This was posted to Reddit almost a month ago. I quoted the pertinent part, but there's a link to the original and a screenshot in case it is taken down. daughter and son-in-law were called into a private meeting on base regarding a probable evacuation scenario of the East Coast. (Son-in-law is in the Special Forces, apparently high up. I think the base was Ft. McPhearson in Georgia).
From what she said, the daughter and SIL where brought in and made to sign a non-disclosure agreement saying they would tell no one, under the penalty of treason, what they were told during the meeting. They were told that in 4-6 weeks (this was around 9/20) the East Coast would experience some type of disaster that would cause it to be under water.
So, I don't know about you guys, but I don't really believe that the US government now has the ability to predict massive flooding a month in advance. They can't even seem to get the weather right one day in advance most of the time. And disclosing this is apparently treason? Doesn't sound right to me.
Because, DHS head (and FEMA boss) Janet Napolitano doesn't seem too concerned. She seems focused on cyber-security: economists are actually claiming that the hurricane will be good for the economy. The Federal Reserve is gearing up to print more money: is being praised by everyone, Republicans even, for the speed of his response.
Think maybe he had a head start?
I just happened to stumble upon this YouTube comment while researching this:
Fort McPherson is apparently a FEMA site as well as military. Several months back, the rumor was that soldiers from Ft. McPherson had dressed as local police and
blew up the house of a local "prepper" who raised chickens. This rumor was corroborated by an interview of the local police chief, shortly after the explosion, saying that his officers were not on the scene at the time, which conflicted with eyewitness reports.
Also relevant: