
Topic: The Legend of Satoshi Nakamato, FINAL STEP PUBLISHED.... 4.87 BTC GRAND PRIZE! - page 69. (Read 108576 times)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
RussHarben you are right, I've got it:

very well done, I was going a little crazy trying to figure out what to use to decode those!
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1077
Honey badger just does not care
And this is not all, there's more useful stuff in that, wouldn't believe so much info can be put into the 8x15 matrix:

Notice the date of the printer, looks familiar, doesn't it? Yet to determine if "Column 15 value: 107" is tied to his ARG.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1077
Honey badger just does not care
RussHarben you are right, I've got it:

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Activity: 14
Merit: 0
This idea just popped into my head as I was walking down the street thinking about the PRINT clue.  Unfortunately I'm not near a computer ... but this definitely looks like the dots on the bank note image.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
This idea just popped into my head as I was walking down the street thinking about the PRINT clue.  Unfortunately I'm not near a computer ... but this definitely looks like the dots on the bank note image.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1077
Honey badger just does not care
Close but it looks a little different to me.  The R has a straight line while your sample has a curved one. The G's bottom is slightly different too.

You are right. Wonder what font is it then.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0

That font has only uppercase letters, just as used in the movie.

Close but it looks a little different to me.  The R has a straight line while your sample has a curved one. The G's bottom is slightly different too.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1077
Honey badger just does not care
Hare-brained idea #1: 'PRINT' might refer to the typeface used in the  messages. I was able to find the font using . It's Impact Wide. I tried a few variants of IMPACT_WIDE and IMPACT after and didn't come up with anything.

Found the font that was used through the complete aplha.mp4, it's called "Normandy Isle JNL".
Here's the sample frame:

and here's the re-typed sample:

That font has only uppercase letters, just as used in the movie.

Nothing gained when fontname is added to the site URL.
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Hare-brained idea #1: 'PRINT' might refer to the typeface used in the  messages. I was able to find the font using . It's Impact Wide. I tried a few variants of IMPACT_WIDE and IMPACT after and didn't come up with anything.

Hare-brained idea #2: What if the fruit jpegs were multiple OTP XOR images that were pasted together and there were more hidden messages if you overlaid them at the edges? Cherry is particularly noteworthy for attempting this since it's mostly whites and light colors, and there is a huge amount of space around the 'PRINT' message that it revealed in apple. I tried overlaying cherry over the other images in various ways with rotations and flips, and also moved it pixel by pixel to line up apparently content-free strips. I found nothing but also did not exhaust all possibilities.
Activity: 1988
Merit: 1077
Honey badger just does not care
There may or may not be bitcoin along the entire trail.

It's very probable we have an answer to this question. Many people believe that this 0.3BTC is a teaser left along the trail:
and that below is the private key in picture form:
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
What is in the message? Huh
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
I don't think I saw a link to beta.mp4 posted anywhere on the thread, so here is a copy for folks who haven't seen it yet:

The general theme of the video seems to be quantum physics / quantum computers with images mixed in from human biology, astronomy, as well as what appear to be court transcripts, maps, and various technical readouts / diagrams.

The word "Vesuvius" appears several times, along with images of the D-Wave Two quantum computer (Code Name Vesuvius).  The last few seconds appear to contain content lifted from this video:

There are a lot of interesting frames in the video, but the one that struck me the most appears in a few frames near the end.

I have to say, now that this is delving into quantum physics (including the equation for the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle), the text from the OP seems to take on new relevance.

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be, it would. Take a W@@@lk with me. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? 1follow me"

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
I tried to overlay the 3 frames with the white noise but it doesn't look like much to me.  There is obviously something going on in the center of the video related to how far away the pixels are from pure white.

Activity: 67
Merit: 11
 I was "waiting for a face," and I think I found one in beta.mp4 around 00:10.,0GRXVTC#0
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
more progress:

A second hidden rar was found in alpha.mp4! it contains peach.7z and beta.mp4. micaman
inside peach.7z are grapefruit.jpg and cherry.jpg. micaman

If you make the backgrounds of all the fruit jpgs transparent and create overlays there are hidden messages. mirth23
cherry-apple: PRINT
fruits on imgur:,WHcOeP8

Inside beta.mp4 there is another hidden rar that has apple, orange, and mango. According to diff, they are identical to the ones hidden in alpha.mp4. I suspect that they may have been erroneously placed in both of the files. mirth23

Music in beta.mp4 is more Phillip Glass, this time "Facades"  mirth23 gives the same 404 we've been seeing. Based on the rotation hint in alpha.mp4, we attempted all ROT-n versions of PRINT and did not find anything. also does not exist. I've also tried a couple rotations of but no go.

I attempted to use Sonic Visualizer on both videos to look for more QR codes and didn't spot any. Someone else might want to check my work since I'm not overly proficient with it.

There's all sorts of crazy stuff in beta.mp4. It's only 11 seconds but has a lot more content, although most of it appears to be window dressing.


So here's what we've got now:
1) unclear noisy bits in alpha.mp4, especially the bit with 'Th'
2) all the new weirdness in beta.mp4 that hasn't been closely examined yet
3) anything left hidden in bills 1-6 in note.png (but it's been gone over with a fine tooth comb)
4) the dots from note.png (they look binary, 8 rows)
5) the hex from the 404 page on the site
6) some kind of fruit clue to go to somewhere on the site involving PRINT
7) Phillip Glass - Music With Changing Parts & Facades
8) CA70364470 (from note.png, but from the source image as well)
9)  and  PRINT
10) CL34I7Y
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Just curious, does anyone recognize the music in the video?

Phillip Glass - Music With Changing Parts.
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
Wow, amazing stuff.  I wish I had time to join in the effort, but unfortunately "R" is taking precedence over "ARG" for me right now.  I have to agree with rock_collector's earlier statement that it's worth appreciating the layers of artistry and technical expertise what went into creating this.

Just curious, does anyone recognize the music in the video?

[EDIT: Answered my own question - thanks Shazam]
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
I looked a bit more closely at the strange ROTs in the video to see if there was a clear pattern to them. I don't see one. Here's the first two examples from the video (going backwards):
Reform The Space.
Sfgpsm Tif Tqace/  ==>  111112 011 110001 (# of shifts for each individual character)
Tghqto Ujg Urbeg0  ==>  111111 111 111221
Vhirvp Vkh Vscfg1  ==>  211121 111 111101
Xjltxq Xmj Xuegi2  ==>  223221 222 222121
Zlmvzs Yol Zvfhj4  ==>  221222 122 211112

Rebuild And Write.
Sfcvjme Boe Xsjuf/  ==> 1111111 111 111111
Tgdwlnf Cpf Yulvg0  ==> 1111211 111 122111
Uif?mog Dqh ?????2  ==> 122?111 112 ?????2

edit: one thing we do see is the sequence of at least part of a character mapping including ,./0 ...
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
Been fiddling around with Ramses a bit to see if I can get at the background geometrics. The image that was previously posted was not the original source image. Neither is this one, which is much closer but still no cigar:,_Egypt._(1).jpg

This is at least somewhat entertaining:
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
wow, this is realy creepypasta material in here
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