Why isn't this thread in the altcoin section?
Because this thread actually about LN
for Bitcoin (although LN support many cryptocurrency) and some parts of LN directly involve Bitcoin network (such as HTLC script used to open and close channel).
You have a valid point, any discussions related to 3rd party offchain systems should be in a separate topic.
Lightning Network & Liquid, and any other offchain systems should not be considered as bitcoin, IMO.
Just as any Exchange's separate offchain database is excluded from discussion here , so too should other 3rd party offchain networks.
While Lightning Network is off-chain system, IMO it can't be categorized as 3rd party since it's possible user have control over their Bitcoin.
Then what in your opinion is the difference
between Lightning Network and Liquid Network?
Why is the Liquid network FAQ topic not included?
Plus if Coinbase gives access to the user's bitcoin private keys, does that not invalidate your argument about control over bitcoin,
and thusly now elevate Coinbase offchain system to a required topic in this forum.
Will questions regarding Litecoin/LN now also be answered in these topics, since LN also supports litecoin?
LN & Liquid may use segwit / locking features of bitcoin program code, but their own code development is separate ,
therefore, I have no choice but to consider them 3rd party.
I don't claim to be any kind of expert
blah blah blah
Sorry, all I got from your posts , were you are not an expert.
To avoid derailing this topic, I will make no further posts about this,
I am looking forward to ETFBitcoin response to the above questions.
JayJuanGee , if you have more blah, don't waste it on a post, just pm me and we'll see if communication is even possible.
Although blah is not a language , I am fluent in.