Besides, it doesn't make sense to mention proprietary counterparts, unless the project is started by company or the contributor mainly consists of people worked at specific company which also use the project on their company.
Compare Linux, Windows, Mac GUI/UX development.
Some of that can be traced back to "management".
With the elimination of of you like the Windows / Mac / *nix GUI.
Some of the big differences can be traced back to the fact that a lot of times within the Mac / Windows world there are people in charge of the look and feel, there are different people running the coding and how it works, and there are usability testers there are tons of focus groups about what does work and what does not. Now, they do not always get it right. But they do have a better track record then the *nix GUI people.
On the Linux / BSD side for years I was a terminal window only kind of guy, then I started using the GUI just because it was a bit simpler to do some tasks. But some things are still so badly put together it makes me cringe. On the Windows side, since 2000 the GUI has just worked better and smoother and still does. Gnome 3 is getting there but still years behind.
Now, there are some glaring screw ups on big company GUI stuff too, not going to ignore it and some of then are truly epic. [Quick undo button next to the quick save in Visio and other MSFT applications comes to mind]
Now, for the programming on the back end. That is a different discussion.
Stay safe.