
Topic: The Official Van Kush Beauty Token Thread - Proof of Stake (PoS) - VKBT (Read 1481 times)

jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
We are in the Middle of a Feud that involves several City of Dallas Employees and an Attorney they hired named Bob Davis, and it gets into also then like Eryka Badu and Lil Wayne being involved, but once we Finish this Court Case we will be getting a lot done. It might involve some Jail Time, but it will be worth it to get the Evidence for the Lawsuit that will follow.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
There is Probably about 4 Years or less left for Lil Wayne, after P. Diddy. R. Kelly was First. And this is just getting Started. Lil Wayne is at a Point where it's all Downhill from here.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
It’s almost October 7th. It seems no one around Lil Wayne learned their Smallness compared to us. And they are still wanting Beef with the Van Kush Family.

We have CURE Token and we are funding a HIVE account.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
We are going to Start Showing Everyone how the Polygon Network uses Ethereum Wallets and Everything, and how they can Start using HIVE-Engine and Everything. Then we will List our Polygon Tokens on HIVE-Engine/TribalDEX and have a Binance Token, and TRX Token made as well, and we will Start Showing Everyone how all of this Works, and we will have Peggys between the Blockchains.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
The Terry Lowry Link Letter, and how Cryptocurrencies could Soon be used by Politicians after I set it up for them:
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I am not here Playing some Augmented Reality Game. Everything in this Thread is True Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Everything in this Thread is what IS.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1

So the Van Kush Family, our Cryptocurrency Network and Off-Chain Community that we have Built over Years and Years, is going to Create a CryptoNote at some Point soon. We will also be Creating an ETH Clone. And to do both of these Things, we Feel that we will need Mining Pools.

So First off, I just want Everyone to know that Monero is maybe the most Popular example of these Types of Currencies, and People have been using XMRig to Mine using Chromebook and Android, so XMRig (a Monero Mining software someone invented) seems to be pretty useful and Could be Clone for use with Our Own CryptoNote maybe:

Now, in Case anyone is Confused, I am going to Explain what CryptoNote/CryptoNite is...
This Type of Blockchain First Started not with Monero, but with Bytecoin which is not Functioning anymore, but instead they continued forward with a Project Called ForkNote. So this Type of Blockchain is it's very Own TYPE of Blockchain, for example Bitcoin is SHA, there are Other SHA Blockchains that Copied Bitcoin, many are just Clones of Bitcoin with a Different Name. DOGE and LTC (Litecoin) are both SCRYPT, so BTC is SHA, LTC is SCRYPT, Monero is CryptoNote/CryptoNite.

The Reason CryptoNite Algorithm exists is because when Bitcoin was $5 You could actually get a Laptop and set it up, and You could Mine Bitcoin and Mine what now-a-days would maybe even be Thousands of Dollars a Day in Bitcoin (in Modern 2024 Prices, but this was 2010-ish), with just a Laptop. Then more and more People were Setting up Laptops, so there became a Competition, and the Bitcoin Community actually Found that Graphics Cards used for Video Game Computers were actually Better for Mining (this is now not useful information, unless You are Mining a Newer less Competitive Coin) but the Laptops were Taken Over by the Graphics Cards. So the CPU was Taken over by the GPU Mining. Then the GPU was actually Taken Over by the ASIC. So there was Litecoin made, because Bitcoin became too hard and Everyone on their Laptops weren't Making Money anymore, that is why Litecoin exists. And at First Bitcoiners HATED Litecoin because it was a Threat. Then they started making Memes where LTC and BTC were Shaking Hands, and Everyone decided that LTC could exist without being a Threat to BTC. And then LTC became too Hard to Mine, and FeatherCoin was Invented.

CryptoNite is exactly like the Pun it sounds like,CryptoNite Algorithm, is meant to be like Cryptonite to Superman. Superman is a SUPER-Man, and we can compare SUPER-Man, to the ASIC Miner, and so the Cryptonite to SUPER-Man, means that the ASICs don't Work on this Blockchain. You can't use an ASIC on this Blockchain, it is like CryptoNite, the Superman ASIC Technology does not Work on CryptoNite. So Everyone can Mine with their Laptops.

That is the main Point of CryptoNite, Everyone can Mine on their Laptop. And the 2nd most Noticeable Feature is Probably that no one can see the Transactions. With Bitcoin, Every Transaction is Transparent, Everyone can see who sent what where. With CryptoNite/CryptoNote Algorithm Currencies, this Transparency does not exist. Instead there is Privacy Built in, it is all Secret.

Now, we are going to be Creating a CryptoNote/CryptoNite Mining Pool where Everyone can use their Laptops and Everything to Mine, we may be Mining Monero, but we will Decide. The Purpose of this Mining Pool is going to be to Eventually List our Own Coin to be Mined, and anyone else who is in our Community who wants to. We can all Start making CryptoNote/CryptoNite Currencies, and Immediately have People Mining them once they are made.

And I want Everyone to have the ForkNote Information because this is how You Create a CryptoNote/CryptoNite Coin and Blockchain, this is how it Works. And I have done it before, so I know that there Methods Work. Below is a Link to their Website, and below that is a Link to Information about us going Through Everything.

The Van Kush Family Previously Posted information about Creating these kinds of Tokens, Here on Bitcointalk:

We Posted most of the Documentation on the ByteCoin Forum, which since has Stopped Operating, so the Bulk of Our Posting about the Actual Process of Creating the Currency when we Tested it, is Gone, but that Thread there from Bitcointalk does have Information that will be useful to anyone Creating one of these Blockchains.

But we are in the Middle of Launching some Tokens, doing Things on Polygon Blockchain and HIVE Blockchain (HIVE-Engine), then we will Start getting to making Blockchains once we have a few Operational Tokens. But before the Blockchains, we will need, and will make, Mining Pools.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I think Hillsong Church and Bethel Music are Forgetting their Place. They are the Band, I am the Root of David.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I think maybe some People see the lack of Other People Responding and think "Is this Ok? I don't know if this is Ok and it might Collapse.". I am Very, Very, Very, used to Creating Facebook Groups and all kinds of Things, and People saying "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, I don't know what to say, but do not Stop Teaching." or they tell me not to Stop putting out information about Case Law, and Writ Writing and whatnot. They just Thank me, and a lot of People don't know what to Add.

I'm a Hard Act to Follow, I know, and I am not offended or put-off by People not Responding, I completely Understand, and I think a lot of People know that this is all Kosher and Fine, and don't have the Concern about the Non-Responses. But I just wanted to Reassure Others, that this is not like me Talking to myself, this is Normal, and I have a kind of Audience, or Fandom, and it is Ever Growing, but there are People that have known who I am for 10 Years and more. So I am known also.

And that is a big Part of Cryptocurrency, if You are going to make a Currency, the Biggest Problem You could have is that the Dev disappeared and doesn't Respond anymore. So me being here is not a Problem, if I wasn't here it would be a Problem.

A lot of People might think that I am a little Eccentric, with what I Talk about. But I was here when this was all going on. I was here when we were all Talking about 3D Printing, like Bitcoin was connected to 3D Printers and like we would all own them, and we Probably will have that going on with Tokens and Coins if they are going to be Successful, all of that has to Happen again.

I was Part of the Bitcoin Town Project that was Shut Down when FinShaggy was Banned. And Really, all the Things People Talk about Now-A-Days in Cryptocurrency are so less important, just not impressive. Compared to all the Things we used to Talk about and were doing.

And I'm going to Bring all that Back, Homesteading, OceanSteading, and SpaceSteading, all of that.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I'm going to Start making Videos to Update Everyone about what is going on, and kind of just get into the Basics of Everything going on.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
"Is there no Balm in Gilead?"
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I don’t think some People understand. The way the FTX Loser was Accepted by Steph Curry, and Peyton Manning and got them in on the Scam, we don’t have to do that because we aren’t Scammers.

And instead of a Picture in Downtown Dallas on a Wall of a him, which was a Thing. FTX had Giant Pictures of the Guy that ran FTX. Instead of that, I’m about to have Pictures of Horned Angels, like Egyptian Angels with Rams Horns and Other Angels with Antlers and Things. This isn’t like all the Other Digital Currencies. We are Ancient, and we are in the Future.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
VKBT has already now began the Initial Stages of Moon Ramping on TribalDEX and HIVE-Engine Exchanges.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
I am Personally of the Cryptological Philosophy, or School of Thought, that if a Person is going to Create a Cryptocurrency, or an Organization, Company, Religious Group, Band (Bands that do Concerts and Shows around Different Places have like "Street Teams" that are Basically like Young People that hang out in Garages doing Things and putting Posters up on their Walls and around Town), Church, Family Even, these could just be IOUs between Friends where a Group of Friends Mine a Coin that their Friend made (Preferably it would be someone that had Money, or a Group of People that had Money) and when one Person Holds one there is an Agreement to Pay however much at a Later Date, or there is someone that Buys them Back Regularly or You have to Buy so many Back off the Market to Pay the Person back, and there would become an Economy. But the Philosophy I am Espousing or Telling Everyone we have to be Part of, is that if an Altcoin is going to Work, the Community should have Money.

There is no Reason that if I make a Currency, I shouldn't be doing EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME FLOW, so that You even will maybe be able to Consider Buying some of my Currency. If I am Telling You to Buy my Currency, I should be able to give You a way to get $10 (or a Job) to come Buy some.

So on our Currency's Website, we have a Money Making Section:

We have Information on Credit and Federal Loans so People can get Houses:

We have Information about the Small Business Administration:

And Starting a Business:

This was put Together so People can Learn about Credentialing beyond we could even say College, but Credentialing Beyond like getting a Better Driver's License:

We have Information about Working at Events, and Other Food and Beverage Related Jobs, the Hospitality Industry:

We have a Thread for Food Stamps and Other Information:

We even have Information about Plasma Donation Centers:

And if You want $10, Check out CoinBase Academy. You might be able to get $100 or more Pretty Quick just Online, and in Cryptocurrency that could be used to Finance Your New Cryptocurrency Pursuits (Stake it and take the Interest Rate back and Put it into my Currency for example) or Cash it out and do that or into Cash and do whatever:

This is all so that YOU can Earn Money, so that You Might Invest in my Currency, because You will have the Money to do so. And just because if I am going to Teach You about Currency, I ought to Teach You this. Not that Everyone else is, but it's kind of Important. Not Everyone has to have like Credentials and Jobs in Cryptocurrency, and they Definitely don't all have to be like Bankers, in fact they are Mostly Anarchists the bunch of them. When we Proposed Bitcoin Town to these Anarchists, it was Called "Centralized", now I'm sure many People Wish the Bitcoin Town Project had been Started, and Years in Progress Right now. Maybe even like Martti Malmi, because Bitcoin just had a Hard Time for a while, and there isn't much Holding it up now. I would say a lot of what is Holding it up is around like the Feud between what seems to be Growing from Joe Rogan and me to like Elon Musk and me.

We are going to be Making some AI also, Artificial Intelligence, and I think there are a bunch of People that can Honestly say like "Yes, this is who should make these Things".
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
All the Non-Bitcointalk Regulars should know that it is Spectacular that we have been here for 2 Years, and we are just getting Started.

Anyone who knows the History of what has Happened knows that we were not in a Position to do more than has been done until now, and we will be doing more and more as we can. We no have 2 Currencies, we now have a MATIC Token Coming, etc.

A lot of Things are about to Start Happening and we have been a Currency for going on 3 Years in July. And Everything is just now getting Started, and there are MANY Token Holders. There are many REAL WALLETS. We just used the Mechanism of the Hive-Engine Tokens, and we Chose Good Hashtags. Everything is about to Change with our Currencies, because the Tokenomics are set up Appropriately.

And soon I will Start making Videos about all of this. I have been making just Religious Videos, but I will have to make some Videos Talking about what we are doing.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
This is kind of Random, but this has to do with the Middle East, and Christians, and the Overall Debate, we could even Call this a "The Chosen" Subject, which Connects to the Currencies, they are Actually doing Oil and Everything with kind of Soap Making which will Promote Our Currencies. As the Next Few Seasons of "The Chosen" come out, they are Actually Tying it into the Van Kush Beauty Economy, they are Completely doing like a CosPlay of OUR THEME, the Van Kush Family.

It's almost like that Show that was on HBO, something about "Kill all the Brutes" or something. Where they Found not just like someone Kemetic, but someone that Talks about what I'm Talking about. We could compare it to some Socialist Guy, I forget what his Name was but I Learned about him once, and he was Talking about Captain Cook and it was like Cook's Cave or something, and this was all about Longitude and Latitude, because Captain Cooke had something to do with the Very First Measurements of the 2nd One. And that was like his "Thing", so if You were to go Talk about that You are getting into his "Thing" and Thor Hyerdhal was doing a whole Other "Thing". The Socialist Guy maybe actually DELAYED RESEARCH by being such a Political Person, it may have led to People IGNORING THIS when they shouldn't have.

But so "The Chosen" is about to do this with OUR "Thing".

But, my Point Jesus. Is he the Son of God, is he a Sorcerer, is he, is he, is he.

The Real Question, and some Christians are Offended by this even but the Mormons get it because they say there is an Even NEWER Testament (and they have some Points about Hebrews in America, and Pre-Columbian Contact, that is Part of Our "Thing", Pre-Columbian Contact is the Word for Part of it, another One is Isolationism and Diffusionism, we are Diffusionists which is the Belief that Societies were Rarely Isolated from Others, by Water, Mountains, or Anything). We also Believe in Boats, maybe not in PLACE of the Land Bridge, but at Least ALSO. Boats ALSO. Reed Boats, Peruvian as an Example. But the Question about Jesus is, IS HE THE WORD MADE FLESH. Is he Fulfilling the Law.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
If we look at Leviticus, and King Tut, and Hezekiah, and several People in the Bible, Judges for Example are known for this. We can see that there is something that comes from the Polytheistic World, where this was all already Happening, the Muslims call it the "Time of Ignorance" but God was not separate from that Time, there was no Time when the Monotheistic God was not Present, even with the Polytheistic World Existing with NO Monotheism for Years and Years.

Leviticus, has to do with Levites. Levites are the Priestly Class of the Tribes, they are the Ones that are to keep the Laws so as to be Pure enough to Accept Offerings, and they are the Ones Moses and Aaron were from. But this does not even Only Pertain to the Nation of Israel, let alone 1 God. Egypt is in the Bible because many Things Happened there, and there was no such Person as Pharaoh, there was a King, like King Tut, King Djoser, King Ramsesses, and there was the Par'Oh, the Palace, and in the Bible there is the King and the Pharaoh, and the Pharaoh we could say is like a Museum, and a Collection of People, like in Chronicles. The Book of Chronicles Describes something much like a Par'Oh. And then the Temples of David and Solomon are Par'Ohs.

So this was all Happening before Monotheism. Then David comes from the Line of Benjamin, another Line, another something that needs to be Recognized. And Solomon gave someone the Cities by Galilee, and it says in the Bible that there was a Head to the Kingdoms around Galilee, so the Entire Old Testament does Prelude the New Testament, but not in the way that most Biblical Scholars have even taken the Time to Notice. And Jesus is said to be the Line of David, that is the Claim.

But then King Tut, this same Thing as with the Levites, this was done with the Priests of Amun-Ra, the Sun. Akhenaten was King Tut's Father, and he wanted there to be ONE GOD, and HE was the ONE GOD, and he Destroyed all the Sciences of Ancient Egypt and Subjugated them to 1 Path. And then when he Died, King Tut, Ay, and Horemheb reinstated the Old Gods, found in Worm Eaten Scrolls as it was Recorded. And King Tut took those Scrolls are remade all of Egypt, with the Ancient Religio-Scientific Glory that it was. With Construction, and Flood Control and Harnessing, and Farming, and Tools, and just Random Jewels and Jewelry, and Everything they were making, all the Crafts, the Shilpa Shastra, Personifying the Gods, and comparing them to the Planets, and to the People, etc. King Tut Brought all of that back. But the most Important Part was the Priests of Amun-Ra, they were to be the Rulers ahead of the King, they were to have the True Authority, and that is how King Tut Fixed Egypt, and I think Ay and Horemheb had a lot to do with it. And we can compare that to the Levites.

There is something Ancient, that has to do with Egregore. We can Argue about how Hebrew the New Testament is and if it is Better to Learn Greek or Hebrew and Try to Dog on the New Testament by Pointing out some Greek Things about it. But we can also take that Word, Grigori, and Recognize that as the Greeks Accepted God, the 1 Monotheistic God, there had to still be Discussion about the "Watchers", the Grigori. The Oracles, that is the Biggest just Clue to get someone to understand, just go on Theoi and look at the Oracles to get Started. Look at Pythagoreas' Teacher from Delphi. Look at the Oralces, and then though understand that the Greeks understood there was 1 God, but there were also the Grigori, the Watchers. And of Course, their Kin, Giants.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
The Van Kush Beauty Token is a Real Solomonic Currency, a kind of Crusader Type Coin. But Solomonic, not like Iron Eagles and Iron Crosses like the Nazis. The Nazis used Crusader Iconography, and we are not doing that, we are just Creating a kind of Kings of Jerusalem, where we will be Establishing Things in the Middle East and Africa, etc. We will have Things Established in these Places, and it will be not like Other Cryptocurrencies, more like a Real Country, or like a Crusader State.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
The Van Kush Family is about to Launch a New Token on HIVE-Engine, and we are going to get back to the Roadmap.

This all Started in the Middle of COVID, with Van Kush Rewards Token on TRON Blockchain, and that is what this Thread "The Hashtags of Money" was made for, we were getting to all Started.

Now, we have a HIVE-Engine Token that is Functioning and we can Raise the Price whenever we want, and have it be Competitive with STEEM and HIVE. Now we are creating a New Token, CURE, which will have an even higher Value per Token, and as VKBT and CURE raise in Value together, CURE will be more Rare and Worth more, but they both have Very Good Tokenomics and are more Rare than almost any Other HIVE-Engine Token.

Then we will get to the Communication Channels, we already have and we will start Creating Bots to Run the Curation Rewards Programs, meaning we will Start Delegation Programs on both BLURT and HIVE, then STEEM Blogs. From there we will continue on Creating a Token on Every Blockchain, and a Fork and Clone of Every Blockchain.

As this Happens we will become a kind of Hub of Cryptocurrency Knowledge, the Non-Profit Cryptocurrency Org that Facilitates all the Private Traders being able to Work together, and Work their Capital. And we will Basically be able to Start Opening Facilities where People Live and use our WiFi, and Start their Careers in Cryptocurrency Trading. From any Position, the Goal being to Onboard Africa, India and South America Primarily, so to have People in those Countries be able to Live at a Facility and make American Wages with Private Trading. Not Trusting a Broker, or even becoming Brokers themselves.
jr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 1
If Anyone thinks that Angels and Jews never did the Things the Bible says, Stay Tuned because we are about to Show You. On Mars they will say "That's all Fairytales" and the go to will be "You heard about Dallas, Right?".
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