Ok, I'm hoping I don't get hate or neg trust this, but all scams start with something similar to this. I've been a member of PD for 1.5 years and as all old players know, Stunna is a sketchy and shady administrator. It's not just a feeling that because I lose it's a scam. Hell, I've played on PD for 1.5 years nearly every day. This is a trend I have been seeing. I play on other sites such as JD, PRC, SafeDice, BitDice, etc. and PD is something...special. I mean a small little page of some numbers (verification page) doesn't prove much. Dicebitco.in proved that statement to be true. I am taking a community initiative to do this, since I strongly believe there is something Stunna is hiding from us.
I decided to finally do this because since the launch of PD3, the site seems even more rigged. Not heavily, but rather sneakily. Proof isn't easy to get, so I'd rather just take the community involved and see what they have to say. Here is just one of my many screenshots to come of me losing. Remember I'm not butthurt, but rather am trying to do the community a favor:
http://i.gyazo.com/c934f6d25d9ad8f1920a4be0f4cf2283.pnghttp://prntscr.com/6i699lhttp://prntscr.com/6jzutmhttp://gyazo.com/948d0bfefe3921ff6812a21c4c202c7fhttp://prntscr.com/6hylyyhttps://i.imgur.com/zSR7bdy.pnghttp://prntscr.com/6i3cb6http://prntscr.com/6i69lq^^ The above was collected within 24 hours
If you think Stunna has something sneaky going on in the back, please post your opinions! Oh, and
please do not post if you aren't a long-time member of Primedice, or play there only occasionally. I'm looking for players who have spent 100+ hours on the site and know it full well.
I think it's about time the community's feedback proves something.
EDIT 2: I am not saying that that loss streak is proof. I am saying it's an example to the scams that are going on.