How are you getting that much hashing power out of so few bitfury chips?
BitFury Wasp Prototype
+ 16 to 24 chips for 300 gh/s to 440 gh/s depending on the configuration.
+ 4U Server configuration
+ Design for the power on the Wasp currently being down so 3d renders for the prototype are a week away.
+ By December the prototype testing video should be out.
+ By December the prototypes shipped to a datacenter for longer term testing and troubleshooting.
+ The DIY & Licenced Production could start as early as January for these units should there be a market for them.
We are using A1 Chips. No bitfury chips currently in our design we had to shelve the multiple chip design for the prototypes and go with the A1s as we have that as priority for the WPC have chips in hand and we need them made into miners ASAP. We have lost weeks fighting with the CAD software so we have had to drop a few things to get things done sooner. We will probably revisit and build a Bitfury Wasp if chips go back on sale. Still none to see right?
4 Chip 4U Modular Design
25 gh/s per chip.
4 chips per Wasp.
8 Wasps per Hive.
32 chips x 25 Gh/s = 800 Gh/s estimate 4U (Our module holds the Hive and the Wasps and will fit 4U.)
6 Chip 5U Modular Design
25 Gh/s per chip.
6 chips per Wasp.
8 Wasps per Hive.
48 chips x 25 Gh/s = 1200 Gh/s.
We are looking to work on the "modules" and an Ice Wasp that could potentially allow for overclocking up to the 40 Gh/s if we can keep the Wasps cool enough. We will keep everyone informed as we proceed with that. We are still keen on getting hold of Black Arrow chips and work those into our larger 5U Wasp concept.