
Topic: This frozen chicken “had a rich, emotional life.” - page 11. (Read 21159 times)

Activity: 1316
Merit: 1000
Si vis pacem, para bellum
nice thread to read but im still going to have breakfast in KFC .........
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
pretty much anything you can think about could be classified as a theory.

True. Though that borders "what is reality at all". We mostly can judge on our past observations if things are right or wrong or likely more near to the truth. At the end its all theory thats more or less likely. Only thing with religion is that its a theory that cant be observed like that. Its a believe. There is no prayer that can repeatedly heal cancer or something like that. Religion simply is far outside of the truth likeliness of science.

[True. Animals are machine, and humans are cyborgs with souls that can reach God. People are AI. God is the only real intelligence.]

So we are back to a claim you cant back with anything. Its like me stating that the allmighty spaghetti monster made all mankind. I cant proof it and i wont be able to find a proof. So do you. The problem is you maybe act on those believes.

[You weren't there. Why wouldn't they build machines? See, a part of which is quoted here
A BIG part of the point is that, even though the ancient trading civilization that ruled the world in our prehistoric past may not have been called "Atlantis" around the world, it was INDEED there. Why don't modern scientists want to acknowledge this? Why do the universities constantly attempt to hide the info? Are they afraid that their whole system of ancient history which is a big joke will prove that they are stupid? Will this credibility loss cost them their place in the world of money?

So its a past high culture that is hidden by science? Conspiracy theory or what is this? Of course people in the past made inventions. But they didnt have a car or a notebook. Which means humans build their machines on the knowledge others brought them. Its the same with animals. They see how an animal of their kind is opening a shell with a rock and they start using it the same way. They learn from others and at some point an animal will find an even better way. This doesnt proof that humans have souls and animals are soulless robots.

[Humans are cyborgs. The thing that distinguishes them from the animals is that the DO have souls.]

Where is your proof for this claim? I can throw around statements the same way you do. They still dont get valid only by repeating them.

[Perhaps. But it is way more arbitrary to think that they have such potential. Why? All you need do is consider how they have used whatever potential that they may have over the millennia.]

And who are you to say that they dont have souls only because they didnt reach the same level as humans yet? If you would see it as potential then you wouldnt go around and claim that other life forms are soulless creatures that dont feel pain. You would be way more cautious.

[The major thing that is against what you say here, is the fact of entropy which is virtually universal. At the same time, there is NOTHING that can be conclusively proven or even shown that animals can become better as you call it.]

You really should watch some documentations sometimes. Animals all over the world learn new things. But even if they wouldnt. You should assume that it takes a lot more time to learn more. Only because humans made the jump by developing a more stable nutrition, leading to a higher brain capacity and so on, doesnt mean that animals, with enough time, wont be able to reach higher levels.

[The difference is that animals that learn rather complicated things, only do so in the presence of humans teaching them. Then they forget. But if a few remember and pass it on, their machines and learnings are not compound. They are simple. Any compund machine learning that animals have dies with them. Animals are not made to have such, just as they are not made to have souls.]
What are you speaking about? Animals learn how to crack shells. They didnt know how to do it before. One of them found out and the others learned from him. Please inform yourself about animals using tools. Its not only about highly specific tasks they learn from humans. Its natural development.

[That's half right. Take all man's knowledge away, and it would be a long time before he regained it. Yet you will never be able to teach an animal to drive the way a human does. Animals aren't made to understand that kind of thing.]

And? What does it say that it would take a long time? If you would have a brother and he is 10 years younger than you, then he is quite stupid. But you dont go around and claim he is a soulless robot who doesnt feel pain. Because with enough time he will become smart enough. What does time matter when its about potential? But the fact that you claim something or someone not as far developed as you must be a soulless robot without feels of pain is really strange. I mean i know religious people and how they think so i understand it but its still not understandable for humans that werent indoctrinated with "believes" that cant be proven.

[Good doesn't have anything to do with it. Animals were designed to be robots, just as humans were designed to be cyborgs with souls. God designed and built.]

Where is your proof? If i claim you were designed by god to be a slave because you belong to race x of human kind... how could i be wrong? Its the same arbitrary claim you do. You cant proof it. Its a believe. But you think you can act on this believe. And thats hefty.

[You really need to get away to the mountains more often. There are signs all over mountain roads that say "Watch out for falling rocks!" Rocks roll, both before they fall, and after. What? Do you think that the first wheel that people made was like the latest shiny car wheel?]

I dont see how this goes against what i wrote. I only said humans invent things above things other humans invented before them. If you rais a group of humans without knowledge of science and teachings or tech then they most probably will only be able to build very simple tools. Still better than the ones animals use but animals show potential to build machines too.

[All right! I almost thought you had gone to be like one of the animals there for a little.]

 Shocked So the ability to imagine that there is something hidden that you cant explain is a sign of intelligence. Im not so sure. An animal most probably wont worship lightning bolts as thrown from god thor. And we know animals would be the smarter ones by not doing so. Im not sure why you feel superiour to animals because you very hard believe in an imaginery friend whose existence you neither can proof nor show. Fantasy for sure is worth something but fantasy leading to "iam better than the rest" is somewhat dangerous. Happened too often in human past that human races were seen ans animals, put into zoos, it was claimed they dont feel pain and and and.

[As far as religious books go, all the religious books of the world except one are man's writings. The Bible is an extension of God through human beings. When you study everything about the Bible, including its structure, the history of how it came into being, the single theme that flows throughout, the traditions of the nation of Israel regarding it, etc., you will find that it is an impossible to have been written book. Yet here it is, in abundance, all around the world, translated into multitudes of languages.]

*lol* Now you really made me laugh out loud. Your believe is really sweet. I would lead you to certain documentaries where clearly is show scientifically that each book of the bible was written by certain humans if i would know the english versions. And if you would follow the history of the bible you would find pretty much that your believe is build on very weak foots.

On top... would you have been born in an islam family you would say the very same about the koran.

But since you wrote this i have to admit that you are a hardcore believer. Its useless to discuss on that level. I wouldnt get anything from it and most people of that kind are feared that they could have been believed the wrong thing. They need the order in order to have a system to understand live. Since otherwise the chaos remaining would be too hard to accept.

[Did you even read what I wrote above? In brief, the greater the machine, the greater the machine maker. The fact that the universe is full of all the machinery that we get ours from, and even machinery that is way beyond our understanding at present, shows that the Machine Maker of the universe is extremely great. In fact, His greatness fits the definition of the word God. That's why we call Him God.]

So only because you cant understand why something exists you think there must have been some allmightly alien who made it. Ok. Its no different from old vikings who thought god thor throws the lightning bolts around. Because... who other than a god could do such thing?
So only because you claim there must have been an allmighty person who did it... it still becomes no claim who proofs itself. Its only your believe. So if an airplane is crashing in amazonas and the humans living there believe god has sent it, because who other could have build it is the same like a beautiful waterfall who built itself into a mountain. God must has build it personally, because who could have done it otherwise. Sorry but thats a really childish view of life where one doesnt see themself as a fully grown person but as a child who needs parents. Most probably its too hard for many humans to accept that things simply happen because other parts of life moved things into a certain direction. All mighty gods who did everything we cant explain are really something from the past and not really top notch of human development. And you know that.

[The stuff of nature is extremely complex. Nobody can will himself to grow another arm. If you lose an arm, there is no way you can get it back. Yet, science is finding out that an arm is loaded with technology. Scientists are starting to duplicate some of the complex technology that exists in an arm. It is technology. Technology has a technology inventor and maker. It just doesn't pop into being, over a long period of time or short.]

Oh right. Since when was the last time that god build back a cut arm of a human? If a human arm grows naturally its not god building it slowly. Otherwise he would do it again. Its nature, following the rule that has proven valid. And scientists can copy the mechanisms who has proven advantageous in nature. Where is god there? I guess it can only be seen when seeing something and believing it must have been created in an instant. Without a long aging development to get to that status. A working arm for example.

[God is so extremely great that we can't ask the right question about Him like that. In our simple, little minds, the answer to the question of where God came from would make no sense. In fact, God is so GREAT that hearing the answer might even kill us. Suffice it to say that God is eternal, no beginning or end.]

You keep spouting around believes. Its funny. Though there is nothing to back it beyond that believe. Should i speak to you about how great the allmighty spaghetti monster is? I guess you would have fun trying to convince me that my god is the wrong god because... you believe so. Smiley

[The evidence of the complex, machine-like quality of the universe and nature suggests that God exists. There is no other way. Entropy and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics dispells the belief that such complexity could come into being of itself over tremendously long periods of time.]

*sigh* Of course. An allmighty person that cant be seen nor interacts. But it must have been there because i cant understand why all life is working together that great that its like a huge machine. There must be a person who did this. Sorry... this thought scheme doesnt make sense.

[Now you are touching on seeing the great good God has given us. He has given us such strength of will that we can either believe in Him and be friends with Him, or we can ignore Him to the point of denying ourselves right out of existence. I truly hope your studies and the calling of the Holy Spirit reach you before you get to the point of self-destruction.

So youre a friend of god? Will you tell me that your prayers work? Or is it more like the usual when you became healed then it was god, when you didnt then it was gods will? Sorry. Even if there is a god. It does not make sense to believe or pray to him when there is nothing coming out of it. There is life, yes, thats undeniable. And maybe some form of life is able to heal. But its still only a part of live. No person behind life. Though at the end its even irrelevant if there are life forms who might be able to heal when you cant reach them. And im 100% sure you cant reach anything with your believe. Maybe you can calm yourself with prayers. Thats it. The rest is some form of live in a social community. But nothing worthy besides some more or less ethical rules.

Its not that im not spiritual. Im only not gullible. Its way too easy to catch gullible people in sects, scientology or more or less dangerous religions. But proving what exists, whats nonsense, whats only believe is important. With you i only see believes, proven by nothing. But dangerously you judge others with your believes. Though thats how religious people work mostly.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Haha these militant veggies are pretty funny. It's natural and healthy for us to eat meat, the canine teeth in my mouth prove it.
It's funny all these mad veggies coming up with twisted logic like "rape is also natural".

It's funny all these militant corpsemunchers coming up with twisted logic like "these teeth are kinda pointy compared to the others therefore cancer is healthy". 

When did the vegetarian movement started?

Before recorded history

Vegetarianism dates back to a time before recorded history. Many anthropologists believe that most early humans ate primarily plant foods, being more gatherers than hunters. (See articles by David Popovich and Derek Wall.) This view is supported by the fact that the human digestive system resembles that of other plant-eaters rather than that of carnivores. (Forget about "canine" teeth -- other herbivores have them too. But no meat-eater has molar teeth, like humans and the other plant-eaters.) The early human as plant-eater view is also supported by the fact that humans on meat-based diets contract major ailments such as heart disease and cancer much more frequently than people eating vegetarian diets. [more on the topic of plant-eating being natural]

Certainly humans started eating meat at some point before recorded history, but only because unlike animals, humans are capable of that kind of experimentation. However, this short period of meat-eating is not nearly long enough to have had an evolutionary impact on us -- hence the fact, for example, that animal foods will raise human cholesterol while dogs fed solid bricks of butter maintain the same cholesterol level.

Early vegetarians

The Greek mathematician Pythagoras was a vegetarian, and vegetarians were often called Pythagoreans until the word was created. (The term "vegetarian" was coined by the British Vegetarian Society in the mid-1800's. The Latin root of the word refers to the source of life.) Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and George Bernard Shaw were also vegetarians. (A modern legend is that Hitler was a vegetarian, but in fact he was not, at least not in the traditional sense of the word.)


Now I understand why I never liked that guy


Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
I think the most important thing we all need to think about here is that chicken just tastes good *to me*. If prepared well, it is just downright tasty *to me*.

If not for the fact that meat tastes really good *to me* and I do not like most vegetables, I would also be a vegetarian. But this fact remains, so it is so.

FTFY.  Bon appetit!


all true
Activity: 1264
Merit: 1008
I think the most important thing we all need to think about here is that chicken just tastes good *to me*. If prepared well, it is just downright tasty *to me*.

If not for the fact that meat tastes really good *to me* and I do not like most vegetables, I would also be a vegetarian. But this fact remains, so it is so.

FTFY.  Bon appetit!
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
I think the most important thing we all need to think about here is that chicken just tastes good. If prepared well, it is just downright tasty.

If not for the fact that meat tastes really good and I do not like most vegetables, I would also be a vegetarian. But this fact remains, so it is so.
Activity: 1264
Merit: 1008

Haha these militant veggies are pretty funny. It's natural and healthy for us to eat meat, the canine teeth in my mouth prove it.
It's funny all these mad veggies coming up with twisted logic like "rape is also natural".

It's funny all these militant corpsemunchers coming up with twisted logic like "these teeth are kinda pointy compared to the others therefore cancer is healthy". 
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
I'm nothing without GOD
All so called evolutionary changes can be attributed to built in programming more easily than they can be attributed to evolution. At its core and base, evolution says that life came about by random, accidental change of some inanimate material into life. Nobody knows that this is what happened. Scientists haven't shown that this is what happened. They will not attest to knowing that this is what happened. That's why evolution is a theory. Nobody knows.

Even though this is true - you can find that this is true by looking at the basic scientific papers by those who have done the work - multitudes of people have decided that they want evolution to be true without proof, and without even the best evidence. They have their priests in the propagandists who lead the ignorant into believing in something that is not true and that has no foundation.

Believe the evolution BS if you want, but if you are true to self, check the basics of it. It is all built on "if" and "maybe" at its base and core. Evolution is a religion.


Its a theory, right. And personally i have a hard time too to believe that it happened randomly. The thing is only that the things that happened can be shown. But no one can show the hand of god creating a creature or its yet to be shown that the world is built in a different way since the sole matter view scientists have.

So when you say there is no proof... im not so sure. Its pretty stable to declare the changes in lifeforms. Though there is no proof that gods hand came into play and made everything in an instant. So whats more certain? Some observations about the development of lifeforms who can be connected by certain changes over a huge timeframe or a story from a book that was written 2000 years ago only? I mean whats the difference in me declaring the all mighty flying spaghetti monster created all humans and all life? Its no different than the claim an all mighty presence has nothing better to do then create humans. Im always surprised how little religious people question what they believe. I know its very hard to get to a viewpoint that is not contaminated by believes... but still... Even when they know that its made up, they want to believe. Its fine for me but i think there are better ways to become a better person than thousand year old rules from very different times.

pretty much anything you can think about could be classified as a theory.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
All so called evolutionary changes can be attributed to built in programming more easily than they can be attributed to evolution. At its core and base, evolution says that life came about by random, accidental change of some inanimate material into life. Nobody knows that this is what happened. Scientists haven't shown that this is what happened. They will not attest to knowing that this is what happened. That's why evolution is a theory. Nobody knows.

Even though this is true - you can find that this is true by looking at the basic scientific papers by those who have done the work - multitudes of people have decided that they want evolution to be true without proof, and without even the best evidence. They have their priests in the propagandists who lead the ignorant into believing in something that is not true and that has no foundation.

Believe the evolution BS if you want, but if you are true to self, check the basics of it. It is all built on "if" and "maybe" at its base and core. Evolution is a religion.


Its a theory, right. And personally i have a hard time too to believe that it happened randomly. The thing is only that the things that happened can be shown. But no one can show the hand of god creating a creature or its yet to be shown that the world is built in a different way since the sole matter view scientists have.

So when you say there is no proof... im not so sure. Its pretty stable to declare the changes in lifeforms. Though there is no proof that gods hand came into play and made everything in an instant. So whats more certain? Some observations about the development of lifeforms who can be connected by certain changes over a huge timeframe or a story from a book that was written 2000 years ago only? I mean whats the difference in me declaring the all mighty flying spaghetti monster created all humans and all life? Its no different than the claim an all mighty presence has nothing better to do then create humans. Im always surprised how little religious people question what they believe. I know its very hard to get to a viewpoint that is not contaminated by believes... but still... Even when they know that its made up, they want to believe. Its fine for me but i think there are better ways to become a better person than thousand year old rules from very different times.

There are two major things to look at when considering God or a god. These are: 1) the fundamental idea of God; 2) the interpretations of religions regarding God or god.

Fundamentally there is this. In our own modern world, the monkeys and apes, the dolphins, the birds (even the birds that talk), don't make any complex machinery. Only man makes complex machinery, even though some of the animals use simple, what we would call primitive tools - some primates crack open nuts with rocks, etc. In the eyes of animals (if they could think a little like us) man would be the god.

The thing that is interesting is that all - 100% - of the technology of man, no matter how advanced man's complex machinery is, comes from man's observation of what already exists in nature. In fact, some areas of nature are way more "advanced" than man has been able to understand. To see this, all one need do is watch the Youtube videos that depict the operations of living cells.

Cellular life is machinery in action that man has yet to completely unravel the mysteries about. Yet, this machinery is in abundance all over the world reproducing itself, while man has yet to master the art of building machinery that can reproduce (Yes, a few robots have been built that can more or less reproduce, but nothing approaching the complexity of nature by a long shot).

The point? Since all man's technological abilities come from nature, and since man has really only just started to catch up to nature, and since it is shown when comparing animals to man that the more the advanced form of life, the more complex the technology... consider the capabilities of the One Who put the technology into nature... the same nature that man gets all his technology from. Even if it happened to be only nature itself, then nature is God.

Since there is mass entropy in nature at the same time there is highly advanced complexity, God probably exists, at least in part, outside of nature.

In addition to the above, there is virtually no evidence that pure random exists. Everything operates by cause and effect, action and reaction. Only in some higher forms of quantum math is there any evidence whatsoever for the idea that there can be something such as pure random. The better the scientist, the more he(she) is able to find the cause behind some effect. What does this mean? It means that even our thinking and machine-making has been programmed into the way the universe is unfolding. And it also means that in some way, God has given us the ability to reach out to Him.

Think about these things in depth. A simple reading of this post will not suffice in doing justice to what is written here in simple words.

The next question is, Has God given us a method to find Him, to read about Him, to contact Him (perhaps simple prayer)? Has He shown us one of the religions that stands head and shoulders above other religions, and even above what a religion could possibly be, so that we can understand that this religion definitely came from God, and is God talking to us? Check the religions out. Compare the histories of the different religions. Because the history of the Judeo-Christian religion is one (the Bible and the whole history of how it came into being) that stands out way above what could exist naturally without the guidance of God.

Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
All so called evolutionary changes can be attributed to built in programming more easily than they can be attributed to evolution. At its core and base, evolution says that life came about by random, accidental change of some inanimate material into life. Nobody knows that this is what happened. Scientists haven't shown that this is what happened. They will not attest to knowing that this is what happened. That's why evolution is a theory. Nobody knows.

Even though this is true - you can find that this is true by looking at the basic scientific papers by those who have done the work - multitudes of people have decided that they want evolution to be true without proof, and without even the best evidence. They have their priests in the propagandists who lead the ignorant into believing in something that is not true and that has no foundation.

Believe the evolution BS if you want, but if you are true to self, check the basics of it. It is all built on "if" and "maybe" at its base and core. Evolution is a religion.


Its a theory, right. And personally i have a hard time too to believe that it happened randomly. The thing is only that the things that happened can be shown. But no one can show the hand of god creating a creature or its yet to be shown that the world is built in a different way since the sole matter view scientists have.

So when you say there is no proof... im not so sure. Its pretty stable to declare the changes in lifeforms. Though there is no proof that gods hand came into play and made everything in an instant. So whats more certain? Some observations about the development of lifeforms who can be connected by certain changes over a huge timeframe or a story from a book that was written 2000 years ago only? I mean whats the difference in me declaring the all mighty flying spaghetti monster created all humans and all life? Its no different than the claim an all mighty presence has nothing better to do then create humans. Im always surprised how little religious people question what they believe. I know its very hard to get to a viewpoint that is not contaminated by believes... but still... Even when they know that its made up, they want to believe. Its fine for me but i think there are better ways to become a better person than thousand year old rules from very different times.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
In the evolution religion, survival of the fittest reigns as god. Therefore, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, as long as his thinking isn't overcome by someone stronger than he. By this kind of thinking, this thread is informative. But it isn't the thing that rules the world. In fact, it is way lower than money in strength, except when it combines itself with money.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...


EDIT: Look, if evolution is the truth, and money exists, then money is part of evolution. Perhaps at some other time in the future, chicken-life will reign as the strongest of the fittest... if evolution exists, that is.

Since when is evolution a religion? Its something you can watch in real life. Or what do you think are multi resistant bacteria? They changed their dna to adapt to a hard environment.

Even when its survival of the fittest, thats a law of matter. Though life is able to be more than simple atoms moving. Humans can be emphatic with the feelings of others. Leading to not wanting to hurt other, dont want to make war and so on. So we dont act only on material things. And its the same, on a much smaller scale, with animals. You should check out the emotional connections animals can build with their own kind, see elefants, or with humans. As pets. Life is not only survival of the fittest so its not correct to reduce it on that.

All so called evolutionary changes can be attributed to built in programming more easily than they can be attributed to evolution. At its core and base, evolution says that life came about by random, accidental change of some inanimate material into life. Nobody knows that this is what happened. Scientists haven't shown that this is what happened. They will not attest to knowing that this is what happened. That's why evolution is a theory. Nobody knows.

Even though this is true - you can find that this is true by looking at the basic scientific papers by those who have done the work - multitudes of people have decided that they want evolution to be true without proof, and without even the best evidence. They have their priests in the propagandists who lead the ignorant into believing in something that is not true and that has no foundation.

Believe the evolution BS if you want, but if you are true to self, check the basics of it. It is all built on "if" and "maybe" at its base and core. Evolution is a religion.

hero member
Activity: 770
Merit: 509

Haha these militant veggies are pretty funny. It's natural and healthy for us to eat meat, the canine teeth in my mouth prove it.
It's funny all these mad veggies coming up with twisted logic like "rape is also natural".
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
In the evolution religion, survival of the fittest reigns as god. Therefore, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, as long as his thinking isn't overcome by someone stronger than he. By this kind of thinking, this thread is informative. But it isn't the thing that rules the world. In fact, it is way lower than money in strength, except when it combines itself with money.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...


EDIT: Look, if evolution is the truth, and money exists, then money is part of evolution. Perhaps at some other time in the future, chicken-life will reign as the strongest of the fittest... if evolution exists, that is.

Since when is evolution a religion? Its something you can watch in real life. Or what do you think are multi resistant bacteria? They changed their dna to adapt to a hard environment.

Even when its survival of the fittest, thats a law of matter. Though life is able to be more than simple atoms moving. Humans can be emphatic with the feelings of others. Leading to not wanting to hurt other, dont want to make war and so on. So we dont act only on material things. And its the same, on a much smaller scale, with animals. You should check out the emotional connections animals can build with their own kind, see elefants, or with humans. As pets. Life is not only survival of the fittest so its not correct to reduce it on that.
full member
Activity: 308
Merit: 100
I'm nothing without GOD
We should be able to farm what we want and ranch what we want and eat what we want.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
God, the Creator and Maker of everything, gave and gives people the authority for everything, including life of the plants and animals on the earth. God allowed and allows mankind to freely eat the plants and animals.

God never forces a person to eat animals. He doesn't really force people to eat plants either. The only thing He tells us is to treat other people with enough respect that they respect the freedom and property of other people.

Many people disregard the things that God tells them. This does not make them right. It only adds to the liability that they will have when God judges them in the coming judgment of all things.

Children are simply people who are not fully developed in certain ways. Children have souls. Animals do not.


So its a religious root where youre arbitrary commitment, about how things have to be, is coming from. Ok. Its not as if religions hasnt shown their wrong sides. Lately the most vocal are the islamic extremists. Personally i think you can believe what you want as long as you dont harm others with it. I dont await you to be cruel to an animal as a good christian, so im fine with that.

Its pretty clear nowadays that the bible was only written by humans, implementing older religious stories and even deciding what books are belonging to the nowadays bible was done by humans only. So its pretty arbitrary to want to believe in this as the unaltered word of god. Especially because if you would have been born in a muslim family you would be convinced the same way that only allah is the real god.

Anyway. Im libertarian as long as you dont hurt others with your believe.

In the evolution religion, survival of the fittest reigns as god. Therefore, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, as long as his thinking isn't overcome by someone stronger than he. By this kind of thinking, this thread is informative. But it isn't the thing that rules the world. In fact, it is way lower than money in strength, except when it combines itself with money.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...


EDIT: Look, if evolution is the truth, and money exists, then money is part of evolution. Perhaps at some other time in the future, chicken-life will reign as the strongest of the fittest... if evolution exists, that is.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 1083
Legendary Escrow Service - Tip Jar in Profile
God, the Creator and Maker of everything, gave and gives people the authority for everything, including life of the plants and animals on the earth. God allowed and allows mankind to freely eat the plants and animals.

God never forces a person to eat animals. He doesn't really force people to eat plants either. The only thing He tells us is to treat other people with enough respect that they respect the freedom and property of other people.

Many people disregard the things that God tells them. This does not make them right. It only adds to the liability that they will have when God judges them in the coming judgment of all things.

Children are simply people who are not fully developed in certain ways. Children have souls. Animals do not.


So its a religious root where youre arbitrary commitment, about how things have to be, is coming from. Ok. Its not as if religions hasnt shown their wrong sides. Lately the most vocal are the islamic extremists. Personally i think you can believe what you want as long as you dont harm others with it. I dont await you to be cruel to an animal as a good christian, so im fine with that.

Its pretty clear nowadays that the bible was only written by humans, implementing older religious stories and even deciding what books are belonging to the nowadays bible was done by humans only. So its pretty arbitrary to want to believe in this as the unaltered word of god. Especially because if you would have been born in a muslim family you would be convinced the same way that only allah is the real god.

Anyway. Im libertarian as long as you dont hurt others with your believe.
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