You're right, many animals (battery chickens come to mind) are bred in very poor conditions, and I don't agree with this. I try to eat free-range and organic meat where possible, to support the practice of better conditions for animals and also because it tastes better.
This is one area where I think a small amount of government intervention could be a good thing - a true free market system would favour the cheapest (and therefore worst) possible living conditions for animals.
Amen. I live rural, you should see how bad the pork production industry is out here. They essentially bed in feces, its not appetizing at all LOL Its expensive in the supermarket, but there are a fair number of free range options out here, if you are willing to buy a quarter/half side of beef/pork at a time. Honestly, its alot to spend on meat at one time if you dont have a decent freezer and a decent sized family, but you can get prime cuts of beef for less than 4 bucks a pound (steaks and tender cuts).
I even saw a half side of Kobe beef on craigslist out here for 500. Came out to like 6 bucks a pound for the tenderest meat you will ever experience in your life.
Meat isn't evil. Its delicious. But our corporate farming practices are absolutely disgusting.
I apologize if you observe a culture that does not embrace beef/pork, I did not mean to offend. This is why im referring to free range meat, the quality standard is much higher and animals are not allowed to pasture in filth. Most things outside in nature have a little shit on them, shit is a nutrient. It kinda comes with the territory. Better quality organic vegetables and fruits are fertilized in the States with manure teas, literally, shit water. To be honest, the product it produces is much preferable to those raised with commercial synthetics.
For the record, i havent met too much meat I dont eat, on pricnciple. I am a fan of pork, Im not knocking it. Bacon is divine.
You are underestimating the severity of the poor conditions of these animals.
Its easier to pull shit like this with chickens and pork, you can raise them indoors. Cows take too much space, they must be pastured even if crowded.
TLDR I own a 1.5 acre farm, and I live between two 10+ acre farms that have livestock (I dont keep livestock). Trust me on this.