the problem in capitalism is that when you have big amounts of money its way easier to earn for a living than having none or little. and much more options.
Well, that's a "problem" with the nature of reality. The more resources you have, the more options you have to increase those resources. Of course, that coin has an opposite side that hardly anyone ever actually looks at: The more resources you have, the easier it is to help your fellowman
voluntarily. Think about it. Isn't it more likely that a man with 100 coats is going to hand over one
without the gun in his face, than the man with only two?
That doesn't make stealing the coat from the man with 100 any better than stealing from the man with 2, and worse, it makes it counterproductive. It makes the man with 100 want to resist giving to the man with no coat, because it's being done by force.