I tried it, time management, but I don't really like the result. When things are being done repeatedly it gets to the point that it becomes a stressful kind of work. I changed my way of doing things to being unpredictable.
There's still a goal, that is mandatory. But you don't do things like a job, you do it because you love it. And when you find that one thing that you really love then everything will be on its road to success. You get to enjoy it without anyone telling you about time.
It will depend on your perception of doing that repetitive work. For others, it's becoming easy when you're used to that task by doing it many times.
But if you think that it's a stressful thing for you, you better do something else, or else you'll put your mental health at risk because of it.
Time management certainly is a skill that not that many can do and that's why if someone can do that, he can always apply it to most things that he do.
Not that other people cant really do such thing, it is really just that they arent really that serious on applying out that proper time management well.Somehow its true that not all arent really that not good when
it comes to their time management.If you do really love the things you've been doing on a proper time manner or on an ordered way then it wont really be something that stressful for your part.
This isnt something that everyone could able to handle it on but with some realistic approach and minding too much of your time.Then its really that impossible for someone not able to do so.
Time management is really important on making yourself to be that productive specially when you are dealing with multiple activities or various investment or having jobs
which proper management of your time would really be that crucial.So its really important to be mindful in regarding this area.