Yes, you are pretty much allowed to tag anyone you like, for every reason you like Roll Eyes"
(c) marlboroza, 2019 AD (from here)My first feedback was left to this "person" before any of his "investigations", for his very bad attitude for trolling people.
Example: This person like to troll other people, for example he created
topic which called Craig Wrigth Satoshi and didn't delete it
after my explanation postBut after a few question why i tagged person for supporting of Craig, i changed my feedback. And it's highly accurate in everything in it.
This person, for example, accuses
chimk (one of the most honests and trusted members of russian local board) to many times. Here is proof in English, you can read it by yourself:
1. First topicIt's called "
Total corruption in Russian local [DT involved!]"
Where he tries to accuse many trusted russian local members in protecting
serial scammer (it is his catchphrase
After that topic,
xtraelv distrasted him for some time.
Here is quotes from this topic:
Because you personally attack the DTs that have responded to you - they react less than favorable to you. You have failed to provide solid evidence against respected members of this forum. In your thread you allege that there is "total corruption involving DTs"
That is not "defending a scammer". It is a reaction to you acting like an asshole.
These cheaters turned out to be friends of many DT members from Ru local, so there was an
amazing discussion - about how good they are, about which idea to come up with so that it will be possible to forgive them. Moreover, many participants in the discussion at first simply denied the obvious facts with "arguments" as: i do not see/do not understand.
I've read the discussion. You're exaggerating. There is a lively discussion going on about be.open's value to the forum and forgiveness, not unlike theymos suggested we should be doing for lesser transgressions. It's starting to look like every time a discussion doesn't go your way you run to the English boards looking for non-Russian speaking DTs to inflame the conflict. There is a precedent for a
"friends and family" lenience in similar cases so it's far from a "Ru local" conspiracy as you'd like us to believe.
And I have nothing to add to this:
tl;dr: complain to theymos directly or shut up already.
And of course,
chimk (not me, as you see) make a really good posts where he showed all rotten nature of this person, everyone should read this -
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.52783096 I ll give here a little shot piece of this:
About Craig - I call him scamer, that's a fact.
About my bitcoin criticism - i am a real crypto enthusiast, so naturally I want to make the system better. What is needed for that? See the flaws and fix them. This is the criticism.
Naturally, with such a position, I can have nothing in common with fiat slaves - they dream only about one thing - about the growth of Bitcoin (fiat price) and about its sale.
90% of ru local users are fiat slaves, participants of ICO scams and ponzi schemes - they are fake crypto-enthusiasts.
KTChampions repeatedly calls Bitcoin a financial pyramid fraud and compares it with the famous criminal pyramids of Russia, for example, MMM.
Кoкpeтнo битoк пpaктичecки вceгдa oцeнивaл кaк cкaм. B кaкoe-тo вpeмя был oптимизм в цeлoм к кpиптe, oн и ceйчac ecть в oпpeдeлeнныx нaпpaвлeнияx, нo тoчнo нe в "тpyкpиптaнcкиx" кoтopыe гpeзят зapaбoткoм в фиaтe и пoбeдe нaд фиaтoм
translation - ...specifically Bitcoin, almost always rated as scam....
Я и нe гoвopю чтo биткoин - пyзыpь, этo пиpaмидa.
translation - I’m not saying that Bitcoin is a bubble, it is a pyramid.
T.e. я yтвepждaю чтo биткoин этo пиpaмидa, гдe пpибыль пepвыx yчacтникoв oбecпeчивaeтcя зa cчeт пocлeдyющиx и oнa в итoгe pyxнeт.
transfer - I affirm that Bitcoin is a pyramid where the profits of the first participants are ensured by the subsequent ones and it will eventually collapse
Зaчeм мнe этo? Я пoкaзывaю cooтвeтcтвиe биткoинa пиpaмидe.
translation - Why do I need it? I show the correspondence of Bitcoin to the pyramid.
http://archive.md/RqHIacrypto enthusiast....
Людeй жeлaющиx зapaбoтaть (нa xaлявy или тpyдoм тяжeлым) я oчeнь yвaжaю. Этo aдeквaтныe и paзyмныe люди - c ними пpиятнo имeть дeлo.
A вoт тaк нaзывaeмыe энтyзиacты, кoтopыe "зapaди вceгo движeния кpиптoвaлют, a нe paди нaживы" этo для мeня дypaчки пpямo cкaжy, либo eщe xyжe - мoшeнники пoд дypaчкoв кocящиe. C тaкими лyчшe дeлa нe имeть, либo фикcиpoвaть pиcки иx "энтyзиaзмa".
translation - calls enthusiastic fools or scammers.
http://archive.md/LaA9iSo, as you see, this person
is lyingHere is proof from this topic:
By July 27th, questions on Smart Man and markiz73 were closed by me.
On July 29th, I accuse him of botofarming.
In response, he leaves me feedback on the events of May 29th (for some reason, this did not bother him before).
I publish the topic that he is a bounty cheater, it is still July 29th.
In January, he gets into DT2.
My first feedback was earlier than his "investigation" in some hours. Here is proof:
My post was before your shit topic
July 29, 2019, 09:36:17 PM - my postAnd your shittopic was created
July 29, 2019, 10:48:35 PM. It looks like
you trying to catch me
And what he responded to that:
My topic is the result of the investigation based on this
message July 29, 2019, 01:02:59 PM. I noticed that you have the same behavior with another bot and I wrote about it openly. And you began to actively pursue me.
But now he lying (again and again) that my first trust post was
after his investigations.
2. Second topicWhis is called
Supporting of shitposting by merit source is it trustworthy?It's funny topic, because maggot KTC used "broken phone" technique: he translated many quotes out of context with wrong translation.
Here is quotes from it (not from me, from a trusted members of english local):
It's "balls", not "eggs", and the rest of your out-of-context-poorly-translated accusation is not much better either.
Yep, those posts aren't merit-worthy, but that's my opinion.
They're completely out of context. This for example:
LocalBitcoins yбpaлa вoзмoжнocть пoкyпки и пpoдaжи кpиптoвaлюты зa нaличныe пpи личнoй вcтpeчe
нoвocть нa фoклoгe? пpoвepял ктo?
интepecнo пo кaкoй-тo кoнкpeтнoй cтpaнe или пo вceм?
Пo вceм . Teпepь этo пpocтo цeнтpaлизoвaнный OTC c дилдoй - мoжнo xopoнить .
Was an answer to a question. IMO deserves the one merit. The OP made it sound like some nonsense post.
Many other examples are missing quotes too, plus the awful translation, plus you have to keep in mind that many of these come from the Russian equivalent of the Wall Observer thread - context matters a lot there.
Don't fall for the OP's dirty tricks. chimk is an excellent merit source.I quoted words that were written by those who received merit. It is a fact. What a person quotes does not apply to the content that he produces. The context of the messages can be checked by anyone, this is open information and I have provided links to it.
I checked and you're full of shit.And again,
here is highly merited answer of chimk, where he made two important statements:
First, about trolls in russian local:
I think in each local section, there are users who do not like Bitcoin and criticize it, giving different definitions. In the Russian section, people who “criticize” bitcoin also periodically appear. Recently, very active in this
fxpc and of course
amaclin1. They appear in active topics where bitcoin is discussed and with pressure, sometimes in a rude form, they begin to give the “arguments” to the failure of btc, sometimes with insults. For example, KTChampions likes to call the Bitcoin pyramid, the community Bitcoin sectarians and freaks.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.51350186KTChampions created the
"Coздaтeль биткoинa o btc." He calls Crag Wright the creator of BTC and his manifesto is in the subject.
fxpc likes to call Bitcoin "digital emptiness", a pyramid, a community sectarian. The possibility of an attack of 51%, argues that the owners of large pools will come with soldering irons and torture will force them to make an attack.
amaclin1, you probably know each other.
And second, which is more important. because this was the same with me - at first i was very polite to KTChampion in disscussions of Bitcoin, but one moment (after tons of trolling and speculating from him) i realized that this is rotten person, bad person with bad intents. And now i'm like me now.
I argued a lot with these gentlemen and other users of the Russian section also argued. About a month ago, they began to make ridiculous, unsubstantiated charges. The last accusation that I am a corrupt source of merit, they called me in the Russian section. I saw some objective reviews in Russian
KTChampions has come to the English section again, using the language barrier to manipulate the facts and distort them. I can report on every accusation message. They are taken out of context, they do not convey the nature of communication and the personality of the author and other specific nuances. Let me tell you a little about my work on the distribution of merit.
So, as you see, this person
is manipulating facts and loves dirty tactics
About this:
Oпять тaки, мoжeт cкaтывaюcь в кoнcпиpoлoгию, нo кaжeтcя чтo этo нeкaя пoлyпoдcoзнaтeльнaя идeя Teймoca. Чтoбы пoтoм дeнeжки oт фopyмa ceбe зaбpaть. И пpeдпoлoжeниe нe нa пycтoм мecтe, a иcxoдя из мнoгиx пoдoзpитeльныx фaктopoв.
And this his quote was explanation why i think so. ( i don't checked it, maybe it's poorly translated as with quotes in topic
Supporting of shitposting by merit source is it trustworthy?, so, here in link for my message in russian, check it by yourself -
Conclusion and few words after:So, i don't know what to add to all this. If you think, that this behavior is trustworthy (to lie, to accuse trusted and honest members, to try to make a carrier through bodies (meaning
"идти чepeз гoлoвы/идти пo тpyпaм" famous catchphrase in russian) then distrast me and be happy of your life. I'm not afraid of that. I know here some good persons, i communicate with them and trying to get knowledge about cryptocurrencies.
And you can see, how difference our way of acting: this maggot is reaally full of butthurt about my feedback, and can't stay calm. Just creating more drama.
While i don't fucking care about mine red feedback from bob123 (after two-four days of butthurt of course. But now i'm like a japanesse lake with flowers, calm and unshakable). Because i'm here not for trust wars and i'm not interested in getting
"power to rule them all" All my life i living as honest person, and i hate three thing in people:
lying, manipulating, hypocrizy. All this three things is in KTChampion. So, it's obvious that i don't like him. And will never change. I will keep tagging liars, cryptohaters and trolls. This is my view of life, tho.
This was respond, i will not feed
a troll so think all this by yours brain. I'm out (
maybe i will answer to some questions of normal users, but i'm not sure