When mining with low intensity (14 or less) then no hash rate is reported, but shares are still found.
TT-Miner.exe -algo ETHASH --pool stratum+tcp://europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20535 -work-timeout 500000 -user *********************.******** -pass x --api-bind -device 0 -intensity 14
TT-Miner - Version: 5.0.3 (Jun 13 2020 16:00:28)
Press 'q' to stop mining and terminate
****************** GPU/CUDA information
GeForce Driver-Ver: 452.06
Supported CUDA-Ver: 11.0
Installed CUDA-Ver: 11.0 10.20 10.10 10.0 9.20
CUDA devices: 2
* #0 PCI 0:1 MSI GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER (7.5) CoreClk 300 MHz MemClk 5000 MHz 6144 MB SM: 22
#1 PCI 0:11 Zotac GeForce GTX 750 (5.0) CoreClk 1372 MHz MemClk 2850 MHz 1024 MB SM: 4
****************** Mining-Pool information
ID:00 - Primary pool: europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20535 - SocketStratum
-Wallet: UselessGuru
-Worker: Blackbox
-Coin: default
No backup pool defined
****************** Algo information
Algo detection: User defined / command line -> ETHASH
CUDA-Ver. detection: Auto detect -> 11.0
Algo/CUDA loaded: Ethash (Dagger-Hashimoto) (CUDA 11.0)
****************** Apply settings
Set process priority: default
Avg. performance timeframe: 2 minutes
Performance summary(sec.): 15 seconds
Performance summary(shares): disabled
Report Hashrate to pool: disabled
Temp control: disabled
API-Interface: enabled, listening on
Use intensity (-1 default): 14
Use gridsize (-1 default): -1
Use compute-ver. (-1 default): -1
153333 07:32:52 ***
153333 07:32:52 *** TT-Miner - 0% DevFee version
153333 07:32:52 *** If you like TT-Miner and want to support future developments
153333 07:32:52 *** please consider a donation or mine some minutes to one of the
153333 07:32:52 *** following wallet addresses:
153333 07:32:52 ***
153333 07:32:52 *** BTC: bc1q0jvewuzg860dj7f9a6988l4ml5dc9ddzlq9e9m
153333 07:32:52 *** XZC: aP7pMvUSgvSqswGcNxf4bBBMJbwpUEEto4
153333 07:32:52 *** ETH: 0xb1C3d505DD3e6C737939AC686649fD79350D6D0d
153333 07:32:52 *** RVN: RDXzfnKVBKF9uLWTCC5ao7CzWSYmh62NHN
153333 07:32:52 *** UBQ: 0x42c41e85fe8eb361f8a09182f3e061334a7326e2
153333 07:32:52 *** ZANO: ZxDLU1FzqB5QxMT9SNAnk7aXEZbwkqGG7cb6tmG2khgHVgqEPgV5toshmF4aQmtsiLLued5tN7ANfXv
153333 07:32:52 *** SERO: xxhjgaEKkxKawATf9bWtPHK4j7nCEbDsDHmq4zjqAE1GN7cQJ3vVq15U8haTJAVd5r2mc8SA9UP7zFJ
153333 07:32:52 ***
153333 07:32:52 ***
153333 07:32:52 *** You can also use one of my referrals links to open an account on one of these exchanges to
153333 07:32:52 *** support TT-Miner. In the case that you use the Binance you qualify for a 5% discount
153333 07:32:52 *** on your trading commissions.
153333 07:32:52 ***
153333 07:32:52 *** Binance:
https://www.binance.com/de/register?ref=UJPASPV6 will give you a fee discount of 5%
153333 07:32:52 *** BITTREX:
https://bittrex.com/Account/Register?referralCode=NU1-MCE-HLC153333 07:32:52 *** BitMEX:
https://www.bitmex.com/register/6R11Bl153333 07:32:52 *** Deribit:
https://www.deribit.com/reg-3496.2154 will give you a fee discount of 10% for the first 6 months
153333 07:32:52 ***
153333 07:32:52 ****************** Start mining
153333 07:33:02 Pool[D0]: Connecting to: europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20535
153333 07:33:02 Pool[D0]: Connected to: europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20535 - IP4/6:
153333 07:33:02 Pool[D0]: difficulty changed from 0.000 H to 8.590 GH
153333 07:33:02 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1cfd
153333 07:33:04 Miner: GPU[00]: Allocate cache: 65.27 MB - available: 400.18 MB
153333 07:33:04 Miner: GPU[00]: Allocate DAG: 4.177 GB - available: 400.18 MB
153333 07:33:05 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1cfe
153333 07:33:05 Miner: GPU[00]: Use intensity 14
153333 07:33:05 Miner: GPU[00]: Kernel 1: uses Grid: 52 / Block: 320 -> Threads: 16640
153333 07:33:05 GPU[00]: *Create new DAG for epoch 370
153333 07:33:07 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 50C 35% 74 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:33:07 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 74 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:00:15 last: 0:15
153333 07:33:08 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1cff
153333 07:33:11 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d00
153333 07:33:14 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d01
153333 07:33:14 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d02
153333 07:33:14 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d03
153333 07:33:17 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d04
153333 07:33:19 Miner: GPU[00]: Available memory: 335.21 MB
153333 07:33:19 GPU[00]: *DAG for epoch 370 created in 13.686 seconds
153333 07:33:20 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d05
153333 07:33:20 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d06
153333 07:33:20 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d07
153333 07:33:22 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 63 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:33:22 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 63 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:00:30 last: 0:30
153333 07:33:23 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d08
153333 07:33:26 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d09
153333 07:33:29 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d0a
153333 07:33:32 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d0b
153333 07:33:35 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d0c
153333 07:33:36 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d0d
153333 07:33:36 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d0e
153333 07:33:37 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 66 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:33:37 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 66 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:00:45 last: 0:45
153333 07:33:38 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d0f
153333 07:33:38 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d10
153333 07:33:41 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d11
153333 07:33:44 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d12
153333 07:33:47 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d13
153333 07:33:50 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d14
153333 07:33:52 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 65 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:33:52 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 65 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:01:00 last: 1:00
153333 07:33:53 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d15
153333 07:33:56 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d16
153333 07:33:59 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d17
153333 07:34:02 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d18
153333 07:34:05 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d19
153333 07:34:07 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 64 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:34:07 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 64 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:01:15 last: 1:15
153333 07:34:08 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d1a
153333 07:34:11 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d1b
153333 07:34:14 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d1c
153333 07:34:17 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d1d
153333 07:34:20 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d1e
153333 07:34:22 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 50C 35% 64 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:34:22 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 64 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:01:30 last: 1:30
153333 07:34:23 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d1f
153333 07:34:26 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d20
153333 07:34:29 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d21
153333 07:34:32 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d22
153333 07:34:35 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d23
153333 07:34:37 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 50C 35% 66 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:34:37 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 66 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:01:45 last: 1:45
153333 07:34:38 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d24
153333 07:34:41 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d25
153333 07:34:44 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d26
153333 07:34:47 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d27
153333 07:34:50 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d28
153333 07:34:52 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 50C 35% 65 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:34:52 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 65 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:02:00 last: 2:00
153333 07:34:53 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d29
153333 07:34:56 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d2a
153333 07:34:59 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d2b
153333 07:35:01 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d2c
153333 07:35:01 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d2d
153333 07:35:04 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d2e
153333 07:35:07 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 64 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:35:07 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 64 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:02:15 last: 2:15
153333 07:35:07 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d2f
153333 07:35:10 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d30
153333 07:35:13 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d31
153333 07:35:16 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d32
153333 07:35:19 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d33
153333 07:35:22 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 64 W 0.000 H/W last: -
153333 07:35:22 All: 0.000 H/s [A0:R0 -] 64 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:02:30 last: 2:30
153333 07:35:23 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d34
153333 07:35:25 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d35
153333 07:35:28 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d36
153333 07:35:29 GPU[D00]: Found solution #1, diff = 14.04 GH
153333 07:35:29 GPU[D00]: Accepted #1, RT in 14 ms. [europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20535]153333 07:35:31 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d37
153333 07:35:34 Pool[D0]: Received new job#: 1d38
153333 07:35:37 GPU[00]: 0.000 H/s [A1:R0 0.0%] CClk:1.530 GHz 49C 35% 64 W 0.000 H/W last: 0:08
153333 07:35:37 All: 0.000 H/s [A1:R0 0.0%] 64 W 0.000 H/W uptime: 00:02:45 last: 0:08