I've hacked the x15 algo for use with twelve, so you have to run it with:
./ccminer -a x15 -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.workername -p workerpass
No, the algo used for twelvecoin is NOT x15, I simply hacked the miner to work with the new algo but did not rename it in the miner, you are NOT mining with x15, you're mining with twlv.
You cannot mine twelve with an x15 miner, you MUST use the one from my github.
Can you try to hack also the amd GPU miner? If you success in that i can build windows release for those tomorrow.
Also i'm curious about the hashing performance and parameters you are using.
I currently have no AMD hardware to test unforunately, but it should be pretty easy as all hashing functions are available already, based on x13 you would just have to remove one hashing function (fugue) and get the endianness right and it should work.
Maybe someone else with working AMD Cards and a bit talent to code can have a look at that.
Rewards are still low, so you won't be loosing anything.
I'm also not on Windows so I cannot compile for win unfortunately, but my source should be easy to compile on windows "out-of-the-box" as all required includes are already at my github.. Maybe someone could do that for me and post the bins here.