And the other thing, observed from VAERS, is that the vaccinated people have much higher chance of dying from the vaccine that the unvaccinated do.
Check VAERS - - for the number of deaths, etc., in the US so far. Then check - - which shows that VAERS is getting only 1% of the reports.
Wow! 600,000 dead from the vaccines so far in the US. That's like 100,000 per month on average.
However, that per-month number will go down. Why? People have stopped getting vaxxed in the US... at 50% or so. You can divide the number of OTHER deaths in half or less, because, due to Covid, people have found that vitamin D mega-dosing will save them from all kinds of other comorbidity deaths besides Covid.
Of course, when China invades, those deaths may be going up again.
You already already. Right. I suppose now we're supposed to start cussing at each other. Is that what you really want?
Wake up and see that VAERS isn't some jolly good thing out there in the stars somewhere. When the CDC says things that denigrates VAERS, one of their own agencies, they only tell you that almost ALL causes of death ACROSS THE BOARD are anecdotal... except for the few where rigorous autopsies are done.
And, as I have said before, the Harvard study only confirms that VAERS gets less than 1% of the reports, anyway. This means that if there were only 5 VAERS vaccine deaths, there would really be an easy 5,000.
But its all smoke an mirrors, anyway. Why? Because regarding Covid, the whole CDC is smoke and mirrors. Check this: Lisbon court rules that only 0.9% of 'verified cases' attributed to COVID in Portugal actually died of it.
If you happen to look at some of the links in this section of the forum, where doctors show that the CDC is lying, you'll know that the medical has screwed us all.
Keep your head in a hole in the sand if you want. And while it's in there without any distractions, start to think. You will find that the CDC is only making their lies worse than ever.