Rapture, while I agree with most of your points, I disagree that the price point is not important. While acceptance is key, the price is also critical. If the coins slowly start to drift lower , it will loose the confidence of the adopters, who would want to hold a coin that they know is not doing well? You want to use a coin that will appreciate not depreciate. Also as the price drifts lower, it is not longer profitable to mine the coin. As it is now it just about breaks even with electrical cost to mine it. If it should continue the slide, you will loose the mining community. They are the life blood of the coin.
Just my 2 cents..
I agree... Perhaps I jumped the gun on saying that price doesn't matter. I do want the price to raise, it is just not the only important factor. I apologize if I came off too strong. You are right, price is important for exactly the reasons you've said, and it does attrract many investors and miners, which is equally important. Everyone would rather hold a currency that is deflationary that will make them money versus an inflationary one that will lose their savings. So you are right, I just see a lot of focus on price lately, and not enough focus on what makes the price rise. So if I can rephrase what I've said, price is indeed important, and we all look forward to its rise, but it is not the only factor in a coins success. lt is important to keep miners and investors on board, plus it symbolizes growth. I do believe $1 per UTC is a realistic goal, but we need not forget that action is needed for that price to rise. I will create an update on our game plan for those wanting to know what the road map looks like behind the scenes. At the same time I do encourage the community to get involved in the development process by providing us with feedback and participation.