Hashrate and the diff. is really growing like crazy
I can see only just normal after UTC get "new life".
UTC Network hashrate chartUTC Difficulty chart. Then
@Namsbreh, @tc61
Independent of diff every day around 43200 UTC total (30s average block time and every block 15 UTC.) More miners one get less and vice versa. Just basic fundamentals. If you have alone 100% of netw hashrate you get these all. If you have 1% of network hashrate you get (average) 1% (432UTC)
If some day or hour this network total hashrate is 1Mhash/s diff is set so that average block time is 30s what leads to 43200UTC/day. If some other time network hashrate is 10Mhash/s then diff is set so that agen same result, 30s average block time and 43200 UTC / day.
But, of course if one have 10khash/s (network accepted hashrate) miner in first case he get average 1% of these 43200 coins (430 UTC) per day but in last case 0.1% of coins (43 UTC).
There is not any kind of secret mysterious things. Just basic math from very simply basic fundamentals.
(of course this is simplified, there is orphans, fees, variations and so on, so in short time result may be very different, but in long time average very close this simplification)
Very short time variations, just do not care. This is normal variation and is expected (just math)
Example if you now see 6Mhash/s network and after 5 minutes you may see 5Mhash/s and quite soon you may see 7Mhash... do you think there is this amount jumping miners. No, it is (mostly) normal short time variation. Look longer time averages. (least hour or hours)