It says there is no premine. Are you talking about a secret premine dump or what?
There was no premine or IPO. What I have is what I've mined and bought. Not even sure why it's an issue, but it is for some reason
I'm also not sure why bitspender would open a scam shop that accepts UNAT if he thinks it is such a terrible coin? It's the most amateur PND attempt I've ever seen. The rage at the failure of the plan is the best part. It's so much extra exposure for the coin. There is nothing to hide, so there is no reason to be mad about more UNAT threads
Do you agree that the coin would have been dead if bitspender opted out earlier when the diff was so high and it took days to mine a block?
Not even in the slightest
If his shop is real and he sends out orders, that's a good thing for the coin and I already said I will give him a link in the OP. I saw him saying it was the official UNAT shop, which is why I called it a scam. His behaviour, however, over the last few days have led me to believe his shop will not be around for long
His comments are no longer welcome here, though
Show me where i said OFFICIAL shop, and i'll never post again in my life.
Get your facts straight!