here we go guys...
I don't understand this: "Bitmine will nun all jenen, die das Warten satt haben, gratis 50 Prozent leistungsfähigere Chips installieren."
"From now on, bitmine will give for free 50 percent more powerful chips to all the customers who have had enough of all the waiting"
Why is this written like something new that is going to help us?
That's the old CPP plan, plain and simple.
Has bitmine told 20min this, like some wonderful news that will solve all problems and make everyone happy?
If bitmine would stop playing games and stop talking like politicians, and if they really cared about their customers, they would give everyone additional 50% hashing power (and I mean additional to the CPP)
How about that? It would also make people forget the turbomode false advertisement. (many people fell for that)
I mean, does bitmine want me to order additional modules and devices in the future, or do they not care at all?