Trump (if he is not a fraud) would do himself some big favors if he would start to really hammer on the importance of private property rights as a fundamental aspect of 'Americanism.' I think this is historically and logically accurate. It would let me know that he is clued in to the real enemy here which I think that Woods nailed.
Private property.
Is your muscle your own private property? Is you brain power your own private property? If you make a deal with your employer to provide your private property for some of your employer's private property, does the private property of one or both of you suddenly become public property? How in the world did the IRS get in between the two of you?
Here's what happened. Some shrewd government people made some laws (IRS Code) that look like if you trade private property, the IRS gets a cut. The laws don't really say this, but they look like they do.
Then some ignorant-of-law employer sends a W-2 to the government saying that you made some kind of gross income. It is hearsay, but it is enough for the IRS to get their foot in the door.
Then the IRS accuses you of not paying your taxes. In the hearings and the trial, they shrewdly talk you into being within their jurisdiction. But most importantly, they talk you into stating that you made some IRS taxable income, simply because it looks like you did. But you didn't, because your name isn't found in the IRS Code anywhere. See;all for understanding all kinds of things about this.
If Trump were honest, he would show the people how to 100% avoid income taxes. But he isn't honest. He is just as crooked as any of them. His crooked methods are simply different than those of others. He saw a potential mistake those others made, and he exploited it... ALL FOR PERSONAL GAIN. If it wasn't for personal gain, he would show everyone how to beat the IRS like Karl Lentz has.