Yeah the anti- trump pretesters get 15USD per hour however soros will pay you 35 per hour to be trump supporter to go and antaganize the 15$ per hour workers. What a good deal so jobs jobs jobs trump has allready provided so many high pay jobs and hillary's number one supporter is paying the salary. Amazing
To bad after it is over the 15$ people will not have any jobs that match there skill set whereas the trump supporters will. And it would be a shame if some photo graphed the protesters and passed a law so they cannot be eligible for gov. welfare
It will be interesting to see if there is a discrepancy between what the Soros-funded front groups like claim to have paid (when their books are subpoena'd) and what declarations are made by the worker bees. I am guessing that those drones who claim welfare bennies of one sort or another are under an obligation to keep track of and report the various earnings that they have.
I would be more than happy if some of my tax dollars went toward getting to the bottom of the various insults against Democracy such as Project Veritas filmed. Either in congressional hearings or the court system or both. If a lot of under oath stories about being bused around and being paid are forthcoming and they all match up pretty well, it will make for some interesting footage. And maybe some jail-time spent by the organizers. Organizing trash along the highways sporting orange gear would be good to see.
Agree Strongly! There are several non-profits he is using right now. And since Soros is paying for it if there is any property destroyed he is liable for it. There is already a 550Million USD lawsuit against him for the slain police officer. And I heard there is a second one that was justified against him for similar things. This info is coming out right now.