It is important to note the guidelines for the ASTM test. That is: with fire raging under the entire length of a concrete slab, the top of the concrete (the unexposed surface,) at the length of time stated, the temperature of the top of the concrete will not go above 325 farenheit. That's what? A thousand degrees below failure temp after 4 hours on the lowest grade concrete 7 inches thick, with the high grade stuff not going over that temperature at a little over 5 inches thick, with 2,000 degrees on the other side of it for two hours? And the interstate, with 24 inch thick concrete everywhere, bit the dust with about 20 minutes of feeble flame, another 20 minutes of strong flame and about 8 minutes RAGING of flame that would actually match the ASTM test? GIVE ME A BREAK, the interstate was blown NO IFS OR BUTS. Maybe Trump was questioning the 911 collapses, so they had to stage another example! All the while TRUMP HAS GOT TO KNOW THAT ASTM CODE IF HE IS IN CONSTRUCTION. Yeah, when there is an agenda magic happens!
Now Trump is involved?
Did anyone report an explosion?
Lots of us are interested to see if Trump follows Bush, and Obama especially in his later years, and uses false-flag techniques for population management. It will tell us a lot about the man and how he intends to govern (assuming he has much choice.)
Some of you Bay Area people may remember another similar freeway incident involving the McCarthy Maze. That was around the time when a lot of engineers started questioning the ability of fire to collapse the twin-tower structures. A guy crashed a fuel truck in the middle of the night when nobody was looking and within a short period of time the overpass collapsed. In that case the paving was asphalt which at least had the theoretical possibility of melting and moving to create a heavy spot. The simplest explanation to me, however, was that it was a 'demonstration' to 'prove' that fires could collapse things in real life where it is impossible to achieve in the lab. Within hours the mainstream media were reporting that it 'proves the 9/11 conspiracy theorists wrong.'