Važno je za pristup koristiti samo njihov .onion domain i Tor.
There has been successful attack on ChipMixer communication integrity. Small part of traffic to/from website has been compromised. Please read on to decide what to do next.
If you are using Tor and .onion to access ChipMixer - you are not affected.
If you are not using Tor and visit .com to access ChipMixer - there is a chance you have been affected. Sweep all chips you have received in last 7 days and treat them as linked with your deposit.
If you are using Tor and .com to access ChipMixer - please stop it and start using Tor with .onion. This is very bad for your privacy and your funds safety. Please read second part of this message. Also there is a chance you have been affected. Sweep all chips you have received in last 7 days and treat them as linked with your deposit.
Details of attack
Over last few days IP address of .com server have been switched to another server for about 30 minutes about 3 times per day. Attacker used it to create valid SSL certificate and then served their own version of service with minor cosmetic changes.
There were four effects:
1. If your session already started - your browser sent your cookies (session token) to attacker and they withdrawn and sweeped your chips.
2. If you created new session - attacker displayed their deposit address and you have never received your chips.
3. If you accessed .com only to get .onion address - attacker displayed their .onion address.
4. If you tried to redeem voucher - it was not redeemed instantly - you should redeem it as soon as possible.
This affected small part of customers and we assume it was motivated to steal Bitcoins not privacy - if you were using .com and were not affected - you should still assume your privacy has been affected.
None of the servers were compromised. Mitigations are in place.
If you are using Tor to access .com - you may be affected by different attack made with Tor Exit Node. At least one of them proxies .com using forged SSL certificate and replaces all bitcoin addresses to theirs.