The religious argument goes in here. I want to keep a balance of Shia and Sunni control so that Sunni insurgents do not overthrow Shia States and then turn to attacking Israel and the U.S.
I understand your point but I'm trying to say it's quire simplistic thinking, if you didn't know Iran which is mostly Shiite has called or at least their religious leader called for the destruction of Israel. but that not the point
-Shia is just one current in Islam as there are many, is as if you are saying Orthodoxs, Protestant, Evangelist, Jehovah Witness..... ect should have their perspective countries, it doesn't make sense at all
-Sunnite are not a minority in Iraq, and what you are saying can only work when you have a minority of population hence it is working Iran or Israel, but in Iraq, you need to share power and have everyone threated equally if you want to solve the problems
-Isis are using the devision within Iraq to their advantage, Kurd, Sunnit, Shiite ... ect if there was no division this woudn't be an issue, if you want to solve the issue you need to solve the devision
No, I don't want Sectarian fighting, but I do want different Sects to control different countries. This keeps the Middle East in balance. My nightmare would be the Syrian and Iraqi Governments being toppled and being replaced with a Sunni ultra-religious State. This would drag Israel into war with it and would cause even more chaos in the Middle East.
This is once again is a wrong argument, Sects controlled countries are usually racists, and Israel is a good example of that, where non jewish people are considered second class citizens, on the other hand when things are done properly at least from this aspect, you don't find this kind of issues, and we can take countries like Tunisia or Morocco or Turkey as examples here. In Iraq Sunnites like i said before are not a minority, no matter who's the leader and what his personal convictions he needs to treat everyone equally