The friction between Ukraine and Russia is to be resolved between the two countries, it's the two that should have the negotiations. If Ukraine is going to bring the US, that violates thier agreement as well that NATO will not have any expansion in the region.
They all have thier own version of a factual story, they are even saying that most of the people in Ukraine are more favorable on Russia's side than those on Poland's side. There is division in the country so they say. It's much like the Taiwan case where most Taiwanese prefer to reunite with China.
Yeah ... I get it ... you just have absolutely no control over the situation. Ok, it's not difficult for me, I will take a digression into history! And every reader will be able to make sure and check every word I said
By the way, this is the difference between propaganda and the truth - the truth is easy to check and make sure of justice
So - when the USSR died and the republics got a chance for freedom, after many decades of occupation, Ukraine was one of the few republics that had .. What? That's right - Nuclear Weapons. If memory serves, it was even included in the top three countries in terms of the number of nuclear weapons. On December 5, 1994, she signed the "Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine's Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons."
So, 27 years ago, on January 10, 1994, Ukraine, adhering to the concept of peaceful coexistence and development, decided to abandon nuclear weapons, and transfer ALL stocks of nuclear weapons to one of the countries that, in Ukraine's opinion, will be able to provide safe storage and maintenance (although I personally think that it was a mistake). Yes, it was the RSFSR, that was the name of the territory that is now called the Russian Federation. And since Ukraine showed such a gesture of peacefulness, and actually deprived itself of the strongest weapon, which weakened its security, 3 countries - Russia, the USA and Great Britain, together with Ukraine, signed the above Memorandum. And here about "friction" everything was very clearly spelled out: the signatories (USA, Britain, Russia), according to "clause 2 of the Memorandum, confirmed their obligations to refrain from the threat of force or its use against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever will not be used against Ukraine; " (the text of the memorandum is publicly available)
So. Russia SIGNED an agreement in which it OBLIGED to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine, not to use ANY weapon against Ukraine, to ensure POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE. AND ? In February 2014 - the introduction of troops (no need for self-defense, then Putin himself said that it was a special operation that he personally developed / supervised), the seizure of state power objects, military units, the murder of Ukrainian servicemen. After that, the shelling of the border zones of Ukraine from the territory of the Russian Federation, the introduction of a regular army into the eastern regions, the organization of terrorist cesspools of the DPR / LPR, support by regular military personnel (there are a lot of videos with interrogations of those), the supply of weapons, terrorist attacks, including the destruction of a civilian aircraft by a Russian weapons on the territory of Ukraine and much more ... This is "friction" for you as you put it
Putin is trying to become a "new fürrer", heading a new movement of RASHISM and creating a new empire. But he is a pitiful parody of Hitler, because he was even afraid to openly declare war on the obviously weaker Ukraine, and is waging a vile, cowardly, terrorist / hybrid war. That is why, according to the memorandum, Ukraine turned to other signatories for help, and in connection with the violation of an international agreement - to other leaders of the UN member states and new structures such as the EU.
PS What negotiations with terrorists and aggressors? Only the destruction of the enemy on your territory!
The war can be ended in only two ways - either lose or win, there are no other options!PS
1. You did not continue the logical chain and did not describe the influence of the United States, see above
2. Well, another problem - tell us how the situation looks like in your unique reality?