
Topic: USA is getting adversely affected by Immigrants - page 3. (Read 13281 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Mexico made deal to send more illegal aliens to the U.S.

July 9, 2014

On Monday, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Guatemalan president Otto Perez Molina held a joint press conference in Playas de Catazaja, Mexico, to officially announce an agreement to make it easier for those making the illegal journey to the United States from Central America, to cross into Mexico.

The Southern Border Program to Improve Passage, will provide for more border checkpoints along Mexico’s border with Guatemala, and offer more protection and even emergency medical care to those making their way north. The illegal aliens will receive a so-called Regional Visitor’s Card, according to El Universal.

Officially, the program will grant the cards to only illegal aliens from Guatemala and Belize, allowing them to remain in Mexico’s southern states for 72 hours (more than enough time to reach the U.S./Mexican border by train). While, those two countries share a border with Mexico, the program will undoubtedly benefit anyone who makes it to the border, which would explain why our Border Patrol stations are currently overflowing with illegal aliens from El Salvador and Honduras as well.

The program will also give special protection and even financial assistance to unaccompanied minors now pouring across our border. Of course, these efforts, chiefly by the Mexican government, will only increase the number of illegal aliens coming to this country by the thousands, now on a daily basis.

The official announcement only confirms what many of us have known all along…the current chaos on the border which the Obama administration has sympathetically (and dishonestly) characterized as a “humanitarian crisis,” only exists due to collusion between the governments of Mexico, Guatemala and likely the United States.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
US Heading Toward 3rd World Status
...The “humanitarian crisis” on the southern border is the most persuasive evidence of all that America is adrift in a sea of incompetence, blown about by every ill wind that blows. The mighty ship of state is bereft of a rudder, traveling in endless circles with the captain stumbling on the bridge, trying to make sense of navigation charts he can’t read.

However, this may be ascribing to incompetence what is better explained by conspiracy. Mr. Obama promised in 2008 that he intended to transform America, and he is well on his way. Anyone who looked closely at the man and the influences that shaped who he would become risked being called a racist, a nativist, a bigot and a redneck yahoo. He was the messiah everyone was waiting for.

The ruins of American foreign policy are not likely to catch the attention of a culture drunk on the entertainment of the trivial, the trifling and the unimportant. But everybody begins to notice when the chaos comes close, when those responsible for monitoring the border begin to tremble and sag under the weight of a tsunami of illegal immigration. The scary implications for the future of the exceptional nation begins to weigh on Congress.
This week, a Texas congressman who does not have the luxury of looking the other way because he sees trouble in every direction he looks, said what the nice people think must never be said. The tsunami will change everything.

“Either we’re going to enforce our laws and remain strong, economically or otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a Third World country,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican, told Fox News. “You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country. Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.”

No one knows this better than Barack Obama. Making the United States over into a Third World country is exactly what this president is about. He is of the Third World. He spent his formative years in the Third World, and when his mother, obsessed with the Third World, brought him back to America, he sought out the company of those who dreamed of making America over into the world’s largest welfare state, a France writ large, with Velveeta instead of Camembert. He and his Chicago cohort of potheads, “community organizers” and dreamers of fuzzy dreams entertained themselves with fantasies of how they would one day transform the land of the free and the home of the brave into a nation worthy of taking its rightful place among the nations of the Third World.

Mr. Obama sounds like that captain who can’t make sense of the navigation charts, but it may be an act. He understands navigation very well. He talks of deporting the illegal children, of appointing hundreds of immigration judges and opening a vast new network of “detention facilities.” That may be his promised jobs program.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
He's an Epidemiologist as is like the #3 guy in national radio shows. I don't agree w/ him on many things but he's got it right here.

The establishment media’s refusal to acknowledge that once-contained or eradicated diseases are re-entering the U.S. through the latest flood of illegal aliens isn’t a surprise to Michael Savage, who earned a doctorate in epidemiology at the University of California at Berkeley before becoming a top nationally syndicated talk-radio host.

“What the liberal media is hiding from you can be dangerous for your safety, your security and your health,” he told his listeners.

After earning his doctorate in 1978 and writing six books, Savage pitched to publishers a book titled “Immigrants and Epidemics,” which he wrote with the dean of a “prestigious public health university.”

“Although all my previous books had done well,” Savage recalled, “all publishers in New York City in 1982 said we cannot publish a book on immigrants and epidemics, no matter how well (documented) or factually true it is. We can’t publish it for political reasons.”

The rejection angered him, he said, and was one of the reasons he eventually decided to go into talk radio, in 1994.

Since then, he said, “I’ve been trying to warn Americans about what unscreened immigrants will be bringing into America.”

‘You’re not going to hear this’

As thousands of illegal-alien children, prompted by President Obama’s policies, overwhelm the capacity of southern border states, Border Patrol agents who essentially have been turned into child caretakers are being exposed to disease, Savage said.

“Right now, you’re not going to hear this, but we have Tuberculosis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, Chagas disease – previously eradicated from Southern California – on the rise and testing positive in … Border Patrol agents,” Savage said.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Here's another gem:
NY considering letting non-citizens vote!
You soon may not need citizenship to vote in the US; just become a New Yorker
Ron Hayduk is professor of Political Science at Queens College of the City University of New York.

Contrary to popular opinion, voting in America is not intrinsically tied to citizenship. Voting has always been about who has a say in selecting representatives. And political exclusion is a recipe for disastrous, discriminatory public policy and private practice.

And yet the US is, again, excluding a large and growing segment of its population from the democratic process.

Over the last few weeks, New York state has been considering a law to make nearly 3 million non-citizen residents eligible to vote. A similar piece of legislation soon to be reintroduced to the New York City Council, which actually has a decent shot at passage, would give more than 1 million legal non-citizen residents the right to vote in local elections.

Can you imagine how electoral dynamics in New York City would change if 1 million new voters were added to the rolls, particularly if those new voters were the newest New Yorkers? The “Voting Rights Restoration Act” would restore (yes, restore) voting rights to legal non-citizen immigrants in municipal elections (to vote for mayor, comptroller, city council members, and borough presidents).

People are usually surprised to learn that non-citizen immigrants voted historically, and are even more surprised to know they do so currently—and legally—in the US. Historically, non-citizens voted from the founding of the US in 1776 to 1926 in 40 states and federal territories (including New York). Non-citizens voted in local, state, and even federal elections. Currently, non-citizens vote in local elections in six towns in Maryland and in school elections in Chicago. And from 1969 to 2002, non-citizens voted in New York City’s 32 Community School Board elections. Non-citizens also ran and successfully held office in those bodies, to good ends. It is one of the best and proven ways to facilitate voter participation, immigrant incorporation, and government accountability. Remarkably, New York has another chance to restore this effective way to boost civic engagement and representative governance. Globally, at least 45 countries on nearly every continent allow for non-citizen voting, whether at the national, regional or local level....

(more) hxxp ://
If you're a New Yorker, you like liberty and you like the north east, you might want to consider moving to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project to get away from the litany of state-side statism until you're wealthy enough to make the exodus to St. Kitts.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
^That's right, it should be obvious even to the most ardent supporter of Obama or the progressive agenda that there's an ongoing plan being pushed to devastate this country w/ illegals that haven't been vetted yet yet easily transported to some resettlement area being paid for by current and future taxpaying citizens. And, then you have instances like this where the lady is married to a marine of all people plus an education and is locked up. It's in situations like this where those that are reasonable for more orderly immigration reform turn away from anything the left has to offer, especially since they aren't interested in border enforcement in the least.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

She's missed the opportunity to be born in Honduras. She would have free US healthcare, free US lollipops and free US cable TV instead of free Hotel US Federal Pen...

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Since Wilikon has his own thing going on here regarding the immigration crisis, I'll place my related posts here.

I couldn't upload the google map but if you check the link you can see if there's an incoming load in an area near you.
Since the border surge gained coverage from the mainstream media last month, the Obama Administration has tried to relocate tens of thousands of newly-arrived illegal aliens to communities across the country.

NumbersUSA is daily updating this interactive map to show which communities are under threat of the federal government moving large numbers of illegal aliens there from the border.

NumbersUSA is providing its members actions they can take to help stop the government's dispersal of illegal aliens in a way that usually means they never go back home. Because people living in communities across the Americas rarely see one of their neighbors ever returned after illegally entering the United States, most of the population in those countries believe crossing the border illegally will bring great rewards.
Good website to keep tabs on if this is on your radar.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001


Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel have been directed to no longer refer to illegal immigrant children crossing the border alone as “UACs” (unaccompanied alien children).
Instead these individuals are to be referred to as “unaccompanied children” in official correspondence, according to an internal ICE email obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies and shared with Breitbart News.
“This was briefed earlier today during he (sic) command and staff meeting,” an email sent to ICE personnel reads. “It has been requested that in correspondence regarding unaccompanied children, They (sic) not be referred to as UACs. The term UAC should not be used in official correspondence.”
The email, with the subject line “UACs,” continues, “The appropriate messaging on documents should be using the term : unaccompanied children all lower case. (Unless capitalizing would be grammatically correct).”
ICE did not respond to requests for comment.
While ICE has been discouraged from using UAC as an official term, Customs and Border Protection is still using “unaccompanied alien children” (ages 0-17 years old) as an official term as it tallies the number it is apprehending at unprecedented levels along the southwest border.
From October 1 to June 15, more than 52,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors have been detained crossing the border.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

Feds Hand Out Border Pass To Mexican Snitch
"Get Out of Mexico, Free" card offered to narcotics informant

Well, forget about dealing with unsavory coyotes and enduring dangerous nighttime treks to the border. There is a much easier way to gain access--legal access--to the U.S.: Start diming out narcotics smugglers.

According to federal court records, a Mexican informant who has provided “credible information” to U.S. law enforcement agencies about narcotics trafficking was to be compensated “with the ability to cross the border legally into the United States for at least one year.”

The arrangement with the informant was disclosed last year following the arrest of a Mexican woman who allegedly sought to smuggle 17.2 pounds of cocaine and 5.3 pounds of methamphetamine into California via the San Ysidro port of entry.

The night before Martha Salas sought to enter the U.S., the informant told federal agents that Salas would arrive at the border driving a GMC Acadia with narcotics hidden inside. When Salas--who was traveling with her three young children--drove up to the border station, agents were waiting for her.

A subsequent search of the SUV turned up the narcotics (and resulted in Salas’s arrest and indictment on drug smuggling counts). The case is pending against Salas, who has pleaded not guilty to the felony charges.

In addition to getting Salas arrested, the informant provided “credible information to other agencies in the past which has led to previous narcotic seizures,” according to an affidavit sworn by a Department of Homeland Security agent.

As a reward for that aid, Homeland Security “is currently in the process of compensating the [informant] with the ability to cross the border legally into the United States for at least one year,” reported Agent Abbi Henry.

While the informant is not named in the court filings, it appears likely that the “source of information” has been involved in the narcotics trade. Otherwise, it would be nearly impossible to obtain “credible information” about narcotics smuggling activities.

Court records offer no insight into whether the issuance of this “Get Out of Mexico, Free” card was a one-off, or whether unfettered access to the U.S. is an incentive offered to other informants

Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning.

source : google

its like TB who cares
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001


A California high school is at the center of a tuberculosis outbreak linked to an infectious student who tested positive for active TB in February, county health officials said Wednesday.

Four more students at Grant Union High School in Sacramento have contracted active TB. Three related tuberculosis cases are considered an outbreak, Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Laura McCasland said.

Four relatives and friends of the student who initially tested positive have also contracted active TB - bringing the total to nine known cases.

Symptoms of active TB can include a persistent cough and fever. Active TB is contagious if it's in the lungs and accompanied by a cough, said Olivia Kasirye, the county's public health officer.

The four additional students - two of whom have TB in their lymph nodes - are not infectious, she said.

Kasirye said such an outbreak was not uncommon. The county sees about 90 active TB cases a year, though most of those are adults. She noted that no additional people have been found to be contagious.

"In a way, they are wrapping this up," McCasland said.

The four additional students are receiving treatment.

In all, a little more than 450 students and staff have been tested. They were considered at high risk because they used the same classrooms or adjacent classrooms as the student who was infectious, health officials said.

Of those, 116 have tested positive for TB, though the vast majority have been confirmed to be latent TB, which is dormant and doesn't produce symptoms. An additional thirty of the students in that group still need further testing to determine whether they have active TB, McCasland said.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001

You Can’t Dump Your Dog on the Street – But Can Dump 50,000 Kids From Central America (Video)

sr. member
Activity: 518
Merit: 250
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

So what do we do with the unemployed?  Except put them in the army?   Huh

The unemployed needs to work for whatever work they can find. They can't expect government to feed them for the rest of their life.

There have been various things that had been done in the US in the past. One thing was the army;  
During the time of JFK the super rich had to pay a part of their possessions to the state- from which all kinds of jobs were created.
A lot of labour in the US has been outsourced to Asia, which was usually jobs that the unemployed would do
full member
Activity: 235
Merit: 102
You can delete your first point since new people in the country also means new demand for stuff and that creates new jobs also, another point i didn't find ok is errosion of culture? USA has culture that takes cultures away, so getting USA errosed means more savings for all cultures around the globe.

If no one wants to buy your cultural look, your cultural music, your cultural fast food then your culture simply sucks, it is not "cool", defined by the youngest generation. The Roman empire's culture was forced upon people. Who forces you to buy the latest Nike shoes, or the latest JayZ album, or love watching the NBA, or collecting all those Jazz album you want to listen on your expensive set of JBLs?

Photo and rhetoric are nice. And I wish you are right.

But evidence so far suggest multi-cultural society doesn't work. People have not move pass the prejudice phase.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
You can delete your first point since new people in the country also means new demand for stuff and that creates new jobs also, another point i didn't find ok is errosion of culture? USA has culture that takes cultures away, so getting USA errosed means more savings for all cultures around the globe.

If no one wants to buy your cultural look, your cultural music, your cultural fast food then your culture simply sucks, it is not "cool", defined by the youngest generation. The Roman empire's culture was forced upon people. Who forces you to buy the latest Nike shoes, or the latest JayZ album, or love watching the NBA, or collecting all those Jazz album you want to listen on your expensive set of JBLs?

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
You can delete your first point since new people in the country also means new demand for stuff and that creates new jobs also, another point i didn't find ok is errosion of culture? USA has culture that takes cultures away, so getting USA errosed means more savings for all cultures around the globe.
full member
Activity: 235
Merit: 102
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

So what do we do with the unemployed?  Except put them in the army?   Huh

The unemployed needs to work for whatever work they can find. They can't expect government to feed them for the rest of their life.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 506
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.

So what do we do with the unemployed?  Except put them in the army?   Huh
full member
Activity: 153
Merit: 100
Nationalism idea should be abandoned in favor of open border.

All welfare program to be cut.

Let everyone stand on their own two feet.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
You see one, be sure to let them know we will soon be lunching  and dining on their tables, liberating their possessions, and freely entering their homes and chasing their women around for sport. Doing it once or twice made many of the 'immigrants' around my immediate vicinity think twice before disrespecting others or getting mouthy with attitudes. Not to mention more than half silently slinked away and moved out after a month or two when they discovered that some people don't give two shits about some 'guilt' as a 1st world resident.

Treat them exactly as their mentality demands, and let's see who comes out on top.

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