What is the purpose of this coin? Do you plan to create a roadmap? Is there a white paper in its future? What features will this coin have that can grow the community?
I think that it's one of the five best staking/highest POS coins that will not tank due to inflation. That's enough of a reason for it's existence.
Another is there is still room for it to grow up, whereas I think a lot of 2000 Sat + coins may be going down somewhere along the line.
If nothing else, I believe that we could do with a much better website to help attract new members into this community. I'd be willing to contribute some V in order to help accomplish that goal. However, we'd need to have a utility, otherwise the best we'll ever be able to have is a one-page website.
Define what you mean by utility.
By utility, I mean use/purpose of the coin other than just staking.
How about Version is about teaching the public about staking wallets? Those who invest in the coin are paying to have like public instructors that can hold demonstrations in libraries, schools, nursing homes, you get the idea...
"There may be many 'Versions' of Staking Wallets but do they do THIS?"
Did you just make that up or is that really the true purpose of Version coin?
It's an ongoing goal of mine. I think it would really empower people to have staking wallets at home. It helps people that may not have that much going for them for extra income. If they open their mind a bit they are rewarded by this new tech hobby that can also teach them more about using their computers, backing up important things, and so on.
I don't know what the original intent for Version is except V words sound interesting.
Maybe people from Version, Buzz, 1337, Growthcoin, Truckcoin and any other high percentage POS coin could team up and create a type of marketplace or co-op corporation against the coins tanking. Otherwise, it seems some of these coins are going to go the route of others that came down to zero.