I hope you get my point.
You may relax, I don't know if you are doing this because of the signature campaign quota. Simply, sometimes it is not necessary to leave a reply.
Some managers would consider this burst posting, although stake.com is the most relaxed campaign in this regard.
I personally understand post-bursting to simply mean making posts or comments with a time difference that is less than five(5) minutes or so, you can go ahead and check my posting style, when ever I have the time, I usually spend time commenting on different threads on the same board, threads I find the discussion there to be interesting actually, and if you check, the time difference in-between my posts sometimes stretch up to 15, 20 to 30 minutes, and in some cases, even up to 45 minutes to 1 hour, that tells you that I still spend time reading rather than just make useless comments that is not related to the topic or subject being discussed.
Anyways, thanks for pointing this out to me, but I honestly do not think this is post-bursting, making comments on different threads on the same board with a time difference of 15 to 30 minutes or more in-between those comments is not post-bursting, I will gladly accept correction if I am wrong, but like I said before, lets please do it on another thread.
Thank you very much.