I used bold inside the quote to show that I know things, I know zero.🤣
GetBase10() Results OK
Add() Results OK : 237.530 MegaAdd/sec
Mult() Results OK : 25.947 MegaMult/sec
Div() Results OK : 3.102 MegaDiv/sec
ModInv()/ModExp() Results OK
ModInv() Results OK : 186.301 KiloInv/sec
IntGroup.ModInv() Results OK : 5.751 MegaInv/sec
ModMulK1() Results OK : 7.511 MegaMult/sec
ModSquareK1() Results OK : 6.821 MegaMult/sec
ModMulK1order() Results OK :3.525 MegaMult/sec
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce 920MX (2x128 cores) Grid(256x512)
GPUEngine: Launch: the launch timed out and was terminated
37.275 MegaKey/sec
(thread=3, incr=743, endo=0)
C:\Users\Desktop\VanBit>VanBitCrackenS1.1_2 -t 0 -gpu -g 512 -gpuId 0 -r 100000 -check --keyspace 337d48f41c4bb8886:35071626a0b64d0ce --continue continue.txt -o outputfile.txt -v -b -l nosse -kp -rp privkey partialkeyfile 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZn pause
GetBase10() Results OK
Add() Results OK : 303.951 MegaAdd/sec
Mult() Results OK : 22.351 MegaMult/sec
Div() Results OK : 2.602 MegaDiv/sec
ModInv()/ModExp() Results OK
ModInv() Results OK : 188.328 KiloInv/sec
IntGroup.ModInv() Results OK :5.753 MegaInv/sec
ModMulK1() Results OK :7.510 MegaMult/sec
ModSquareK1() Results OK : 7.824 MegaMult/sec
ModMulK1order() Results OK :3.829 MegaMult/sec
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce 920MX (2x128 cores) Grid(512x512)
GPUEngine: Launch: the launch timed out and was terminated
83.871 MegaKey/sec
Add() Results OK : 303.030 MegaAdd/sec
167.744 MegaKey/sec
(thread=17, incr=876, endo=0)
Add() Results OK : 264.550 MegaAdd/sec
Adress : 18******TkHbjJTTshxLnqPzQvAtdCe OK!
Adress : 1*******KNngkdXEeobR76b53LETtpyT OK!Grid(2048x512)
206.455 MegaKey/sec
(thread=31, incr=518, endo=0)
*=fake dev. lol
Edit= on random version, is there any way to search for other addresses? And when I reset, does it have to repeat all over, and is it possible to hit duplicates? Meaning searching a range twice.
The only way it repeats, is if you are searching in a small range; 44 bit and below may get multiple duplicate hits.