I'm waiting for this fact but How long this fact will happen? Dev needs more plans to promote this project to crypto community.
the potential of this project is high and The price is quite good to get more cheap coins.
While waiting for new actions from Dev , Just buy and hold this coin for a while .
Since two days segwit is above 75%. How long does the activation take place? I also got vertcoin on poloniex, if segwit activation happens something to my coins?
It's not just above 75% at some point. It has to be above 75% when the activation period ends. So after 2016 block, if 75% of them signal SegWit. Then it will lock in. Then after another 2016 blocks (grace period) it will activate.
We are currently a little over 50% through the period and SegWit is 84.41%. Based on the current numbers we just need 63% of the remaining blocks to lock it in.