shit coin. I have been buying 1000 Vertcoin at the 18000! now price is 0.00009008 - 50 %
dev scammers, they have sold all the coins
(you propably trolling, but..)
lets be honest, dont scam yourself, YOU bought it because of the SEGWIT activation HYPE? wanted to make some easy money on coin you dont know nothing about? didnt know how the segwit activation works?
if you want to take part of the segwit activation prosess, please rent as much mining power as you can? its that simple. i can also think other ways to manipulate the prosess, but those are illegal..
i think its easier to activate segwit in VTC than for example LTC, vert is much more decentralized. also litecoin have 4xlonger periods..
and lets be clear, im total noob in cryptos, so use your own brain.. (and read)