
Topic: VIACOIN ($VIA) is clearly UNDERVALUED - page 3. (Read 8758 times)

hero member
Activity: 691
Merit: 907
Yeah Romano from twitter
August 09, 2017, 09:59:08 AM
I never said that VIA is a scam....  like the FED and ECB do.  
Wrong interpretation. Not even close to the ICO. Some to host servers for a year (because I was just a uni dropout)

What happened in 2014 wasn't my fault. I wasn't even involved with Viacoin in that time.

But I get the message, basically you don't like altcoins (maximalist) but in that case I think you can complain more about altcoins who didn't do anything in the last 2 years.

Been working & learning for the past 10 months. It doesn't really feel cool to get a bit blamed while 600 other altcoins exist.

Maybe people prefer to buy Viacoin because they think the other coins are overvalued and Viacoin has the same for a lower price and supply. But what do I know right? It's not that I am an experienced trader or something.

And yeah of course people lose money because at the end even in Bitcoin it's a zero sum game. Money doesn't get lost, just transfered.
Seems like natural selection also works online with uhm everything that's being traded. From stocks, bonds, bitcoin to altcoins.
hero member
Activity: 766
Merit: 501
August 09, 2017, 08:32:34 AM
Good analisys. Anway, what about confirmation time? Fees? Mining difficulty?
Also, how can you know Otoh is hodling via?
sr. member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 295
August 09, 2017, 08:28:46 AM
"syncs faster than ever before"

You know why right? Again, such a trivial change. 6 characters difference:

He multiplied 2 terms by 32, increasing the bandwidth.

You're impressed by that?

This is exactly why Via is going to not make it in the long term. The "development" is just adjusting whatever to make it seem like shit is happening.

Also, that article if anyone is interested in actual facts instead of hype:

I have the same feeling as you about VIA.

Back in 2014..... I decided to sell all my VIA because it is my feeling that this was a one time event and that VIA will not reach that level again, whether it was a wise decision or not time will tell.
Welll I wish I had that ICO money. That would have been really great, too bad I don't have it either. (Yes there was an ICO in 2014 but that's not a hidden premine like some stated)
The roadmap is the roadmap, if you think it's nothing unique you already knew that because you saw the roadmap months before you invested.

But if you are planning to make a coin or something unique that will blow Bitcoin out of the water, let me know !

I just think it's a bit unfair to call Via a scam.
I say what it is about, have a roadmap with the details. I'm not claiming like other coins to be the Ethereum killer.

and people invested in (2k sat, 3k sat, 6k sat, 10 or 20k sat) and it went all the way to 80k sat.... Scamming you in profits?

But I'm learning like I said. I don't have a 50 million dollar ICO.
Sure Joost, keep screaming scam.

I knew when I started, being a free coin developer is gonna be one of the most unthankful jobs to do  Smiley
We are right behind you, Romano. Everybody knows you're one of the most hardworking developer this side of the cryptosphere
sr. member
Activity: 391
Merit: 250
August 09, 2017, 08:05:21 AM
"syncs faster than ever before"

You know why right? Again, such a trivial change. 6 characters difference:

He multiplied 2 terms by 32, increasing the bandwidth.

You're impressed by that?

This is exactly why Via is going to not make it in the long term. The "development" is just adjusting whatever to make it seem like shit is happening.

Also, that article if anyone is interested in actual facts instead of hype:

I have the same feeling as you about VIA.

Back in 2014..... I decided to sell all my VIA because it is my feeling that this was a one time event and that VIA will not reach that level again, whether it was a wise decision or not time will tell.
Welll I wish I had that ICO money. That would have been really great, too bad I don't have it either. (Yes there was an ICO in 2014 but that's not a hidden premine like some stated)
The roadmap is the roadmap, if you think it's nothing unique you already knew that because you saw the roadmap months before you invested.

But if you are planning to make a coin or something unique that will blow Bitcoin out of the water, let me know !

I just think it's a bit unfair to call Via a scam.
I say what it is about, have a roadmap with the details. I'm not claiming like other coins to be the Ethereum killer.

and people invested in (2k sat, 3k sat, 6k sat, 10 or 20k sat) and it went all the way to 80k sat.... Scamming you in profits?

But I'm learning like I said. I don't have a 50 million dollar ICO.
Sure Joost, keep screaming scam.

I knew when I started, being a free coin developer is gonna be one of the most unthankful jobs to do  Smiley

I never said that VIA is a scam, but there were a lot of investors feeling betrayed because a lot of development was promised, every three months a major update etc. but in the end almost nothing happened. Anyway this has nothing to do with you, I was talking about 2014 and 2015 when you were not involved with VIA at all.

Nobody seems to know what happened with the ICO, but in the old announcement thread btcdrak clearly says that he is going to transfer the VIA-funds to you.

Maybe I interpreted his message in a wrong manner, but I got the impression that he was going to transfer the remains of the ICO-fund, either being it fiat or VIA-coins to you.

Personally I'm not interested in making a coin at all, most of them are just Ponzi schemes, some people are getting very rich and most others are losing a lot of money, the money has to come from somewhere, you cannot create money out of thin air like the FED and ECB do.  

hero member
Activity: 691
Merit: 907
Yeah Romano from twitter
August 09, 2017, 07:30:01 AM
"At the moment VIA is Litecoin with a shorter block-time and AuxPOW added, nothing new or exiting at all. You may wonder whether we need VIA at all when there is already Litecoin accepted by a large community?"

Well go buy Litecoin instead?
It's just an idea, I don't understand what all the ranting is about.

Or is a guy not allowed to develop his own coin?

And if this auxpow etc is all so easy, why didn't anyone help me?
Or was that too difficult even when you were invested?
hero member
Activity: 691
Merit: 907
Yeah Romano from twitter
August 09, 2017, 06:39:57 AM
"syncs faster than ever before"

You know why right? Again, such a trivial change. 6 characters difference:

He multiplied 2 terms by 32, increasing the bandwidth.

You're impressed by that?

This is exactly why Via is going to not make it in the long term. The "development" is just adjusting whatever to make it seem like shit is happening.

Also, that article if anyone is interested in actual facts instead of hype:

I have the same feeling as you about VIA.

Back in 2014..... I decided to sell all my VIA because it is my feeling that this was a one time event and that VIA will not reach that level again, whether it was a wise decision or not time will tell.
Welll I wish I had that ICO money. That would have been really great, too bad I don't have it either. (Yes there was an ICO in 2014 but that's not a hidden premine like some stated)
The roadmap is the roadmap, if you think it's nothing unique you already knew that because you saw the roadmap months before you invested.

But if you are planning to make a coin or something unique that will blow Bitcoin out of the water, let me know !

I just think it's a bit unfair to call Via a scam.
I say what it is about, have a roadmap with the details. I'm not claiming like other coins to be the Ethereum killer.

and people invested in (2k sat, 3k sat, 6k sat, 10 or 20k sat) and it went all the way to 80k sat.... Scamming you in profits?

But I'm learning like I said. I don't have a 50 million dollar ICO.
Sure Joost, keep screaming scam.

I knew when I started, being a free coin developer is gonna be one of the most unthankful jobs to do  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 391
Merit: 250
August 09, 2017, 02:05:13 AM
"syncs faster than ever before"

You know why right? Again, such a trivial change. 6 characters difference:

He multiplied 2 terms by 32, increasing the bandwidth.

You're impressed by that?

This is exactly why Via is going to not make it in the long term. The "development" is just adjusting whatever to make it seem like shit is happening.

Also, that article if anyone is interested in actual facts instead of hype:

I have the same feeling as you about VIA.

Back in 2014 BTCdrak and Peter Todd were working on VIA, this gave me the expectation that VIA was going to be a mainstream coin so I decided to invest some money in it. In 2014 I bought a lot of VIA when it was at ~12K sat. and I mined a lot of VIA when it was still profitable. However, in contrary to all that was promised there was hardly any development going on, the only thing added was AuxPOW, after this the coin slowly died.

Since there were 10 million coins pre-mined and sold by BTCdrak as ICO to support further development of the coin a lot of investors felt that they were scammed. Romano states that VIA is not pre-mined, this is not true, 10 million coins were pre-mined and sold as ICO, what actually happened with the ICO-money nobody seems to know, it is my impression that some leftover part of the ICO-money is transferred to Romano to support further development of the coin.

At the moment VIA is Litecoin with a shorter block-time and AuxPOW added, nothing new or exiting at all. You may wonder whether we need VIA at all when there is already Litecoin accepted by a large community?

The last months VIA was hyped and pumped a lot because SegWit was going to be added, there are already several other coins with SegWit activated and most of them are implementing off-chain payment and LN, so this is not very special or unique at all.

Two months ago when VIA got between 60K and 80K sat. I decided to sell all my VIA because it is my feeling that this was a one time event and that VIA will not reach that level again, whether it was a wise decision or not time will tell.

hero member
Activity: 691
Merit: 907
Yeah Romano from twitter
August 08, 2017, 04:35:50 PM
Well currypto,

I like to develop. Right now I'm gaining extra knowledge about Bitcoin, Segwit & LN.
I also believe in Bitcoin with my heart and soul and I do believe there's some space for alternative coins.

Especially maybe in the future if it ever becomes mainstream.
A Bitcoin based codebase because I do believe in Bitcoin.

Also cool part is, I can find bugs or potential improvements for Bitcoin and Litecoin.
Bitcoin example:
Litecoin example:

And yeah it delivers me reputation points which great for irl meetups. Had one 2 weeks ago with one of the writers of bitcoinmagazine and to talk about Bitcoin and Segwit.

I'm aware of a few big investors going in heavy on Viacoin.
Maybe because Bitcoin based altcoins without Segwit & LN will die? Maybe.
I idolize the Bitcoin Core developers (They are the real 1337 devs), so I do believe Bitcoin based altcoins are actually the best choice.

Well Decred & Stratis are based on Bitcoin too. Just not written in C++ but Decred in Golang (BTCD) and Stratis in C# (NBitcoin)

Anyways these 'hype' threads are not mine. Just everyone speculating.
Yeah some people praise me a bit too much  Embarrassed but what to do about that right ?

Anyways I hope we are cool Smiley
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
August 08, 2017, 04:09:39 PM

A lot of fuss, a lot of discussion, opponents vs proponents

This is good, keep on talking! This thread is one of the most enjoyable

Dev, keep up the good work! I just might add VIA to my portfolio

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 135
Sit back, relax, eat some nachos and have a drink.
August 08, 2017, 01:42:08 PM
currypto, if you can do it better or have some improvements let me know.

If you will make a coin better than Viacoin and keeping it alive that would be cool too, I mean you must be a 1337 dev I think?

I apologize for not being good enough for you.
So let's drop the whole convo.

Maybe buying Ethereum, Monero, Ans of Neos is something for you in this case.
Or iota, that's interesting too.

Anyways good luck with your review site. Smiley

I'm no '1337 dev'. There's no need to apologize, you have done nothing wrong man Smiley You keep working on Viacoin at the pace and effort you wish. You don't owe anyone anything.

Now can I do better...Only way to know is to actually write a cryptocurrency, or start modifying Bitcoin, which I have no interest to do so.

Thank you and good luck with Viacoin.

I don't plan on buying any of those, heh, but thank you for the suggestion.
hero member
Activity: 691
Merit: 907
Yeah Romano from twitter
August 08, 2017, 01:35:13 PM
currypto, if you can do it better or have some improvements let me know.

If you will make a coin better than Viacoin and keeping it alive that would be cool too, I mean you must be a 1337 dev I think?

I apologize for not being good enough for you.
So let's drop the whole convo.

Maybe buying Ethereum, Monero, Ans of Neos is something for you in this case.
Or iota, that's interesting too.

Anyways good luck with your review site. Smiley
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 135
Sit back, relax, eat some nachos and have a drink.
August 08, 2017, 12:52:04 PM
To be fair, I see and understand a lot of your arguments but they aren't convincing enough to label viacoin as a pump and dump scheme (at least by intention).

I even wrote that Viacoin started out a legit project but has turned into such a coin, just out of its evolution.

I totally agree with everything you have said.

I think that it was valuable that someone did do a code audit on how far viacoin has diverged from bitcoin and the pros and cons of the changes. At least this sticks to the principle of investing in the tech you know and believe in.

I definitely think that being a 1 man dev team here with kinda lacking(bad but in this case good) marketing, this coin is not positioning itself to be a pump and dump coin still.

The work romano has done also can't be said to be trivial since not just any dev can jump into a project like this and be able to segwit it on their own and get other protocols working.

The harder question is how much this type of work is valued at and is any of the crypto currencies out there really worth any of the market cap that they have. This is almost all speculation at this point still and there is no right and wrong here.

I really do think that any community (especially crypto) these days should at least be open for people with strong opinions (especially willingness to be wrong) to come in and say their opinions and ask some questions. I love the excitement and love for viacoin but being overly defensible and sensitive to negative opinion would also hurt the coin's image.

Doing a merge is not rocket science - it was not hard for him to "Segwit" Viacoin. Regardless he really is just volunteering, as he said. So I am not surprised at what effort is put into this. This leads me to wonder, how much Viacoin does romanornr have?

I am glad you see that people are being very defensive. I am also open to being wrong, but people have to show me (and others) with real proof that I am.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
August 08, 2017, 12:43:17 PM
To be fair, I see and understand a lot of your arguments but they aren't convincing enough to label viacoin as a pump and dump scheme (at least by intention).

I even wrote that Viacoin started out a legit project but has turned into such a coin, just out of its evolution.

I totally agree with everything you have said.

I think that it was valuable that someone did do a code audit on how far viacoin has diverged from bitcoin and the pros and cons of the changes. At least this sticks to the principle of investing in the tech you know and believe in.

I definitely think that being a 1 man dev team here with kinda lacking(bad but in this case good) marketing, this coin is not positioning itself to be a pump and dump coin still.

The work romano has done also can't be said to be trivial since not just any dev can jump into a project like this and be able to segwit it on their own and get other protocols working.

The harder question is how much this type of work is valued at and is any of the crypto currencies out there really worth any of the market cap that they have. This is almost all speculation at this point still and there is no right and wrong here.

I really do think that any community (especially crypto) these days should at least be open for people with strong opinions (especially willingness to be wrong) to come in and say their opinions and ask some questions. I love the excitement and love for viacoin but being overly defensible and sensitive to negative opinion would also hurt the coin's image.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 135
Sit back, relax, eat some nachos and have a drink.
August 08, 2017, 12:36:39 PM
No its just another dumb, opinion related piece, in a sea of a zillion.  Dont take offense it is what it is.

*sigh* Ok Mr.Legendary Wheelz1200. I will agree just so we can move on. You have taught me one valuable thing for next time: reach out to every person I mention. Thank you for that.
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 135
Sit back, relax, eat some nachos and have a drink.
August 08, 2017, 12:33:14 PM
To be fair, I see and understand a lot of your arguments but they aren't convincing enough to label viacoin as a pump and dump scheme (at least by intention).

I even wrote that Viacoin started out a legit project but has turned into such a coin, just out of its evolution.

I totally agree with everything you have said.
Activity: 3780
Merit: 1418
August 08, 2017, 12:31:02 PM
Meh i just had a quick good laugh that you have "fact based cryptocurrency researcher" as part of your signature and the whole article was based on assumptions and opinions. Just funny to me how ironic it was.... Wink

Suddenly because my thoughts on Otoh are an opinion, the entire article is an assumption?...


I understand you are only protecting yourself. It's not a problem.

I want to mention too I even put in a good word for Viacoin (does Viacoin have any use?). How come no one talks about that?

No because you want people to read your article and believe it but you didnt attempt to even reach the main developer for comment for you know.... "fact based type research".  Why would your opinion (because thats what it is) be higher than anyone else's at this point.  And protecting for what....nope just pointing out the facts just like you.

Do you not understand that reaching out to the developer does not change what they've written (actually in the case of git, you can modify history, so reaching out the developer could potentially prompt them to change anything - of course I don't expect this to actually happen, but I take precaution (screenshots))?

Why are you persistent on this?

What other facts would they contribute?

Yes it is a fact I didn't reach out to Romano, lets keep repeating this because surely it disregards everything else.

No its just another dumb, opinion related piece, in a sea of a zillion.  Dont take offense it is what it is.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
August 08, 2017, 12:30:20 PM
Meh i just had a quick good laugh that you have "fact based cryptocurrency researcher" as part of your signature and the whole article was based on assumptions and opinions. Just funny to me how ironic it was.... Wink

Suddenly because my thoughts on Otoh are an opinion, the entire article is an assumption?...


I understand you are only protecting yourself. It's not a problem.

I want to mention too I even put in a good word for Viacoin (does Viacoin have any use?). How come no one talks about that?

To be fair, I see and understand a lot of your arguments but they aren't convincing enough to label viacoin as a pump and dump scheme (at least by intention). Development might be a lot of implementing other people's protocol and algorithms but I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. It depends on if you believe that there should only be btc and litecoin/dash/via shouldn't exist at all as an alternative to the btc. I don't think this is a winner take all market, and I think there is a lot of merit to certain industries and business to have a slightly adjusted btc that could be easier to conform to their business needs later.

I think keeping it close to Bitcoin core gives it a lot of validity in terms of security and btc has shown viability as a currency. I also think that being able to implement certain protocols without having a community argue about it and threatening with forks is also a plus. At this price point, I think it's just a bet on how fast it can implement all the latest crypto standard(segwit, which it has now, lightning network, atomic swap, etc) and then after those, it's seeing how it'll try to differentiate itself. I don't think just anyone could fork btc now, add segwit, lightning network, ledger support just at will. I also don't think it's easy to get into polo, bittrex and hopefully into some mobile wallet like coinomi by making your own fork. thus I see a lot of merit in a relatively low market cap coin that is as secure as btc and flexible enough to adapt to future potential opportunities. At this point it's all speculation anyways, I rather via then say an oversold ICO like the 150 mill tezos imo.

I've diversified myself with coins at each stage of the market cap and via is at least stable, active, active community and so far hasn't had any real pump and dump trends like parkbyte(consistently seeing it + 60%, - 40%).

Maybe I've been lucky and so far got good returns from via and it might not keep going, but that could be said the same about most coins. I could also have gotten more gains with other coins, but hindsight is 20/20.

* on a side note, I agree with having just 1 main mining pool is bad and we're too dependant on f2pool.
** Also otoh seems cool but following the rich doesn't always get you richer.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 135
Sit back, relax, eat some nachos and have a drink.
August 08, 2017, 12:26:30 PM
Meh i just had a quick good laugh that you have "fact based cryptocurrency researcher" as part of your signature and the whole article was based on assumptions and opinions. Just funny to me how ironic it was.... Wink

Suddenly because my thoughts on Otoh are an opinion, the entire article is an assumption?...


I understand you are only protecting yourself. It's not a problem.

I want to mention too I even put in a good word for Viacoin (does Viacoin have any use?). How come no one talks about that?

No because you want people to read your article and believe it but you didnt attempt to even reach the main developer for comment for you know.... "fact based type research".  Why would your opinion (because thats what it is) be higher than anyone else's at this point.  And protecting for what....nope just pointing out the facts just like you.

Do you not understand that reaching out to the developer does not change what they've written (actually in the case of git, you can modify history, so reaching out the developer could potentially prompt them to change anything - of course I don't expect this to actually happen, but I take precaution (screenshots))?

Why are you persistent on this?

What other facts would they contribute?

Yes it is a fact I didn't reach out to Romano, lets keep repeating this because surely it disregards everything else.
Activity: 3780
Merit: 1418
August 08, 2017, 12:14:53 PM
Meh i just had a quick good laugh that you have "fact based cryptocurrency researcher" as part of your signature and the whole article was based on assumptions and opinions. Just funny to me how ironic it was.... Wink

Suddenly because my thoughts on Otoh are an opinion, the entire article is an assumption?...


I understand you are only protecting yourself. It's not a problem.

I want to mention too I even put in a good word for Viacoin (does Viacoin have any use?). How come no one talks about that?

No because you want people to read your article and believe it but you didnt attempt to even reach the main developer for comment for you know.... "fact based type research".  Why would your opinion (because thats what it is) be higher than anyone else's at this point.  And protecting for what....nope just pointing out the facts just like you.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 135
Sit back, relax, eat some nachos and have a drink.
August 08, 2017, 11:57:21 AM
Meh i just had a quick good laugh that you have "fact based cryptocurrency researcher" as part of your signature and the whole article was based on assumptions and opinions. Just funny to me how ironic it was.... Wink

Suddenly because my thoughts on Otoh are an opinion, the entire article is an assumption?...


I understand you are only protecting yourself. It's not a problem.

I want to mention too I even put in a good word for Viacoin (does Viacoin have any use?). How come no one talks about that?
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