Chucked you a supportive merit, I miss her (for I am pretty sure Tera was a she) too. I also learned a few things from Tera's posts.
She was pretty good in 2013 / 2014 (and was hated) and was right to be bearish this time (and was hated again). But she wasn't totally wrong, just coldly realistic - and IMHO much misunderstood. The odd, sophisticated contrarian is actually a good thing at times. Opposing views, even if they are predicting 'pain to come' are wise to at least factor in, rather than simply shout down. Otherwise this thread is risking just being an echo chamber.
I agree Tera had a useful role. Not a shill or a one-way FUDder; not always right (who is?), not always wrong (even SOMA predictions are
almost always wrong), but informed and intelligent. I also gave her a bit of bashing now and then, but keeping a hateless, rational, arguing attitude. Tera sounded more like a "she" back then in 2013-2014, quite less in recent times. It almost felt like the account had changed hands.
I reckon BTC will inevitably exceed the last ATH by a lot in the end - but surely long term hodlers (of all people) have learned that there is never gain without pain. It is just how it is - but it is also how the gain is truly earned. If it was easy, every fucker would be rich.
So, Hairy - work on the charts and if you start to get it right, I for one will be grateful. OK, not for the pain, if that is what is due - but for an idea it might be coming? Sure.
Keep up the good work, Hairy!