I will admit that Roger ...
There is a bit of a strange overlap with his supposed concept of wanting decentralization, but wanting to have veto power, too...
OK, I'll bite. What is this 'veto power' of which you speak?
It is a concept that Roger Ver does not want to participate unless he gets his way.
So to you, withdrawing from participation is 'veto power'.
Whoaza, jbreher dee bcash supporting bear. Your blind support for Roger Ver seems to be causing you to distort and twist what I said about that emotional self-absorbed nutjob, also known as Roger Ver.
Do you have such 'veto power', JJG?
What the fuck does this have to do with me? Each of us has control to act within our circumstances to a certain degree, of course, and surely my position is much different than someone like Roger Ver, who got into bitcoin much earlier than me, and came into a much different public role in bitcoin, in large part, due to his early investing into it (I think that he might have done some leveraging too, that paid off, but however, he got in, he made a killing early on which allowed him to serve a much different role than any regular person, and along with that might also be responsibilities that he would have that a normal person might not have - context specific, of course).
Do you believe the desire to be able to remove yourself from an undesired situation is somehow aberrational?
Get the fuck out of here with your nonsense implied assertion that Roger Ver has been playing some kind of passive role... and removing himself.. he is not doing any such thing... A more accurate depiction would involve describing his continued activism in the space including engaging in an ongoing attack on bitcoin, and having these kind of emotional desires to prove himself.
- and your desire to defend him and craig wright ...
I don't have any desire to defend Roger or CSW. You seem to be conflating these personalities with BCH -- a common small blocker delusion.
Yes.. redefine all that you like, but your conduct rises to the level of defending various bcasher nutjobs, including Ver and Wright.
Sure, I correct stated untruths regarding these folk, but that is defending the truth, not the personalities themselves.
You can parse and attempt to distinguish your actions all that you like, but in the end, you are still supporting and defending the overall bullshit conduct and attack attempts of the bcasher nutjobs, and whatever other BIG blocker nutjob flavor of the months come your direction that might be helpful to your overall stupid ass, propagandistic and possibly ill informed BIG blocker narrative.