I have yet to meet an 80 year old who wants to live another 24 years in pain and demented misery. Life extension < Life quality
I have. One of my neighbors is 84 and he told me he plans to live to 100-110. He lived an active life, does yoga every day, reads books about life extension, keeps his mind active. But then again some people are just luckier than others, and I don't even believe in free will.
Damn right, there is no free will. Will is always biased. One of the most important topics in psycho-philosophy (is that correct as a translation?).
Aging... Something called life, god, destiny (...) gave you a racecar for your being on this planet. You have to learn how to drive, fuel and service it, maneuver besides all the other lifecars around you. There will be accidents, wear, corrosion of varying degrees. depending on environment and how it's taken care of generally, but some day it
may will break beyond repair, even if it's not the drivers fault, before it's going to the great junkyard of all beings. Luck plays a role for sure, too. Destiny seems to throw dices, endlessly.
When you look at it from one side, a human life is almost wortless among the billions of others (scarcity, anyone?), when looked at from the
other side (ambiguosly), every life is indefinitely precious. It more or less all revolves around balancing between these two views.
I could go on about religion and praying vs. consciousness and introspection - or some more of the most fucked up human mix ups - but since it's already enough OT, i'll stop it.
However, i don't care how long my life will last, i'm just asking for a fast and painless death. I've gone through so many ups and downs, i was part of events almost nobody else had the balls or chance to experience in his/her boring life. The fucking zillions of details most other people were unable to see, hear, taste and feel... Numerous adventures, some secrets i can never share with anyone, weird kinds of magic, the great people i shared all this with... I could go on.
As soon as i stopped asking for anything, awesome experiences and things began to come to me. I just did let them come. Hard to explain, like a deep trust that
everything is right in it's place. I can only speak for myself, however. I had to learn how to change my miserable psychological imprints based on my feelings of inferiority, envyness, faintness first, which was the hard part, through the valleys of depression and anxiety, which were trying to signal to me that i should stop wanting to be somebody else who i never was.
To sum it up:
I would be pretty stupid to ask for more (longevity), ...or not?
Following my history, this would be a guaranteed way how to not get it.
Have a healthy life, brothers
Anyone into sports a bit ??
And anyone doing CrossFit?
Not crossfit but calisthenics! 18 months ago I was not able to do a single push up. Now I do stuff like handstand, L sit, hanging leg raises, weighted dips, pistol squats, pull ups, push ups. I love the progressions, being able to do more reps or to learn new skills is very satisfying. Also, as a side effect, I'm shredded the first time in my life. With almost 50
Do you like crossfit?
I do love CrossFit (never did calisthenics… but see lot of videos… impressive sport)
Doing CrossFit for three years I guess and indeed the progression is very satisfying
Doing lot of strikt pull ups which I sucked in before… learned the butterfly pull ups and got to sets of 34-40
Toes to bar, recently muscle ups etc
But most of all my cardio is going very good…
I do not do crossfit, but i do some callistenics at some extent. Minimal, but effective enough to keep myself lean and feel (relatively) strong. Let it be 15 minutes a day, as i said, very effective and not really harming the joints like running etc. Most of my fitness is based on nutrition and food, i guess, which i had to change. Let me eat a plate of pasta to see me fighting not to fall asleep afterwards.
What i never used to do was stretching, which was a dumb mistake. Stretch after every workout, it will maintain your muscle power but save you from a lot of pain and problems with posture through stiffness.
Cardio... One of my dad's few good friends dropped dead in his 60's after a heart attack, two days (!) after being cardio-checked, when the doc was attesting him "great cardiac health".
I'd say: Always rest until fully recovered if you are sick, before getting active again. Take
Lumbrokinase for a month, every five to ten years. This clears arteries of fibrin clots, the main reason for heart failures and strokes.
Maybe unrelated, but as a rule of thumb: A man's health is as good as his erection