I was thinking about some of the related matters too, Phillip, in regards to some of our portfolio management ideas - including ideas of laddering and adjusting ladders, and maybe it was around $26k or $27k (from just a couple of weeks ago) that we were having these kinds of conversations with you saying that you were adding to your buy orders to bring them down to $10k or something like that, and I mentioned that I told you around that same time that I had been inclined to do the opposite, which means that I had been considering how to remove some of my lower end BTC buy orders which were then down to $13k-ish..and maybe at that point I was considering the lowest of my BTC buy orders might become around $17.5k-ish.. and sure I am kind of in a transition in regards to this because my thinking sometimes will start to get inclined in a certain direction but sometimes my structure of my orders still feel like they are mostly satisfying for my balancing of situations.
It can sometimes take me a while to transition my various BTC orders. .even though I sometimes will make some tweaks here and there which is kind of forced when the price moves and then if the BTC price moves a lot then sometimes the tweaks become more justifiable and they kind of just end up falling into place. Accordingly, the UPwards BTC price move of the past week and a half or so.. which largely brought us from in the $27ks and up to $36k seems to have helped to facilitate my moving of such buy orders. so in some sense, there is selling on the way up, but then when I make the orders to buy on the way down, not only is there a kind of buying back more there can sometimes be playing around with increments and rethinking some aspects regarding how much cash that i have versus how much bitcoin (at least the parts that are in play and serving as the kind of working capital),.
but then if my buying back orders that are closer to the current BTC price are somewhat structured as more then there ends up being needs to get money from somewhere which is to get the money from the buy orders that are outstanding and not likely to fill.. and another thing that kind of happened was when the BTC price continued to go up both buy and sell increments end up going from $500 to $1k, and so then that could justify putting the buy orders all the way down to maybe around $20k, but maybe a bit lower than $20k, but having them in $1,000 increments rather than $500 and while at the same time the changing of the increments ends up freeing up more cash too... because the buy orders are not necessarily doubled but might be 70% to 80% of the size of the earlier two $500 incremental buy orders.
And, overall cash increases when the BTC price is moving up... so there can some times develop feelings of having almost too much cash but then there is a matter of where to put it and how to play it and how to think about preparing for the worser-case scenarios and maybe assigning likelihood but at the same time, maybe considering down to be less likely at least down to $13k.. but then even $20k might not be too likely but it likely would not hurt to keep those BTC buy orders open down to $20k for a while (even thought the $13k to $18k ort $19k might not really be necessary.. I haven't completely decided yet), maybe those buy orders down to $20k-ish could stay in place until we get into no man's zone-ish (which is around $55k-ish. .that is if we get there).. then maybe at that point some of the lower $20k buy orders might become eligible for removal, too.
Just letting you know, since I can be kind of nice like that, sometimes.