The only problem is, after the SWx2 fork I don't see any more forks on the horizon.
What we need is a service like to make it easier for any noob to create a Bitcoin fork. The user would only need to enter a name and desired start date. It would generate everything you need - a wallet app, a professional looking promotional website, announcement thread, Reddit forum, twitter account, emails to the major exchanges to get them on board - you know - all the usual bells and whistles.
It's obvious from the Bitcoin Gold attempt that these guys need some help.
Were you around when Linux was first taking off in the early 2000s? Literally, fly-by-night shoddy companies were popping up everywhere with their own proprietary Linux kernel versions and their own flavors of Linux. Everyone claiming to be the "one true Linux" and trying to take over the core Linux dev team. FUD about Linus Torvalds dev team was constantly flying, chaos was everywhere. HP, Microsoft and Apple were scared shitless, and eventually lost the server market (but sort of "won" the desktop).
All the late comers and crap devs/hacks eventually failed. Open Source Linux kernel eventually reigned supreme.
I don't see all this Bitcoin fork crap as any different. History repeats.