i see dumps on the way....
Maybe you are a reverse indicator?
Yesterday, you were here pumping (within the job description of your namesake?).. right before the dump... now you are dumping... hm? Is it looking good for a breakout, or are we in a fake out?
Like I said in my earlier post, I don't think that we should worry either way because we seem to be in the high side of our current price range..., which seems to be $3600 to $4500 - ish... .. so when you say dump, are you saying that we are going below $3600 or that we are just moving around within the current price range?
are you high?
That does not seem like a reasonable conclusion.
Your response comes off as a personal, rather than substantive response, no?
In other words, I am not high, except perhaps my excitement regarding bitcoin's performance for the whole year...
We are in 4x to 5x territory for the calendar year, so I have been feeling pretty good about that for several months... actually, I even felt pretty good while we were floating around in the $1800s to $2900s for several months from May to August.
So, yeah, I'm feeling pretty good. I am feeling pretty good.
go back and check the price on the day i said it was going up...it went up all the way till today!
O.k. Maybe you are just forgetful?
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.22304339A couple of days ago, you posted some kind of excitement about buying on the dips while the price was going up.. .and sure I responded to your seeming deception, and then now your attempt to recharacterize the substance of your posts.
now im saying i feel a dump... and i prob will be right...again...
Yeah.. a non-specific post about a dump that is coupled by various recharacterizations of the substance of what you said (or what you meant) is going to have a better than average chance of being right... especially if you keep repeating the same thing over and over until it becomes correct, and then you say: "see, I told you" hahahahaha... in other words... let me provide an image for you>>>>>
im not a bullshitter perma bull like you, we have uptrends and downtrends...learn to accept that.
Oh my!!!!! more personal attacks and attempts at pigeon-holing and false characterizations. Can't really take these kinds of comments too seriously, right?
please stop feeling the urge to reply to everyone one of my comments, im not quoting them to you.
Oh, so now you are feeling analyzed? and perhaps stalked? I can do what I want, and really, your nonsense posts seem to kind of stand out, to the extent that they don't get deleted for being so obviously disingenuous, right?
O.k. sure, you are able to slip in a few seemingly quasi-substantive posts, here and there, between your pumping of ripple or some other random shitcoin with your anti-bitcoin misinformation propaganda tour on some random alt thread...
i dont read your pointless walls of text...
Why does it matter to me whether you read my posts, or not?
Really, I doubt that you are even willing to engage with the substance of a large majority of my posts anyhow. You are not really hear to share information or interact, and you seem to have given away your principle purpose through your choice of your name, right?
I can assert something kind of positive and that is your name and your actions seem to be fairly consistent.
and when i do visit this thread i usually skip all your comments, as they just drown out the sensible guys voices here.
Is that why you wrote me a PM a few months back asking me if I missed you? hahahahhahaha Either you troll publicly or you troll through various PMs.. whatever.. If you use one of your other sock puppet accounts, then maybe you can be more effective, perhaps? Maybe you could try to redeem your soul by making a new sock puppet, and name it "I'm gonna try to tell the truth this time" Maybe that name is too long, but you get the idea, right?