... He's seemingly self-absorbed, bitter, internally contradictory (continuously publicly proclaiming that he wants privacy). Such a disposition is no way consistent with a person who would have compiled bitcoin's first whitepaper and engaged the more than two year follow-up efforts..
lol! you are aware of that especially geniuses are often weird and difficult persons? it fits perfectly imo. just not the santa-claus parts of the community have expected.
You seem to be attempting to posit an erroneously unsubstantiated and seemingly.. nonfactual and grossly subjective statement regarding JayJuanGee's understanding, or,
rather, lack of understanding, of personality traits and/or idiosyncratic attributes typically associated with.. and customarily attributed by the ill-informed mainstream media journalists who lack erudition and verve in psychointelectual sciences to individuals of high intelligence quotient currently contributing to the antifragility of cryptoeconomic echosystem in disruptive and/or groundbreaking manner, or have done so in recent or, possibly even distant past.
You sound seemingly self-absorbed, bitter, internally contradictory.. a disposition which is and has been in the past, consistent with a person who would have compiled seemingly self-absorbed, bitter, internally contradictory disposition into an assemblage and/or verbal construct such as a seemingly self-absorbed, bitter, internally contradictory internet forum post.