pms is where the buy is cuz they are artificially manipulated lower, while bitcoins is artificially manipulated higher .. there is reasons for the manipulation and is is doubtful good for us .
1. The PM indexes barely move with the amount of money involved in crypto. They are in the multi-trillion marketcap category. Crypto isn't getting any serious money from PMs. Bitcoin's marketcap is like one thousand of what Gold's marketcap is.
2. PMs do not really overlap the online transactions sector. They are just store of value. You can't pay someone over the internet if you have gold in your pocket. You can pay him with bitcoins though. That means that PMs and crypto are complimentary in this sense. Things might have been different with a decentralized e-gold equivalent, but physical ownership and physical transfer is not something that an algorithm can rule.
3. In terms of manipulation, owning Bitcoins is actually a hedge against the ongoing PM manipulation as the mechanisms existing in the gold manipulation 'industry' are not found in bitcoin.
4. Bitcoins are far more scarce than gold and silver. There are ~6 billion ounces of above ground gold and only 15.4 million bitcoins. That's one bitcoin for every 390 ounces. That's now. The future is actually in favor of bitcoin:gold ratio.
5. Gold and silver production is increasing continuously as the methods to extract it are improved and become increasingly mechanized. 100 years ago you had people shoveling ground and now you have excavators and D10's moving ground and ...ripping permafrost. Or people dredging ...the ocean's bottom (soon with robots). Even the places that have been previously "mined" are full of gold. And even the places that are mined today are still left with tons of fine gold that they can't really catch due to most mining operations going for more volume at the expense of recovery rates. The 180ktons of above ground gold will probably double or triple in the next 30-40 years. And when AI comes online to track underground deposits, vein flows, etc etc, or even assume the running of mechanical recovery tasks, you're looking at full blown gold inflation. And I haven't mentioned that most "non-gold bearing grounds" are bearing with invisible gold. You might pan nothing, but the gold is attached to lower-specific gravity rocks, which, when crushed, will release the gold (typically by resorting to chemicals). When people say "there is no gold here", what they really mean is "I don't see any", or "I'll probably spend more to get it" - both of which are circumstances that change continuously.
6. Even if above ground gold doubles or triples in the mid-term future, it will still preserve its value due to fiat inflating at a much faster pace. However bitcoin will be inflating at a much lower pace than both, hence being an adequate store of value, which also has good upside potential (gold's marketcap can't go 10x to 70+ trillion range with ease, unlike bitcoin which can hit 4k usd and do a 10x).
7. What PMs have in their favor is that they are much safer than crypto (excluding scam PM purchases). Nobody will fork, hack or 51% one's gold. And they are good for countries with high devaluation rates where the average man can convert local currency to PMs to prevent erosion to his savings.
i wrote this in september 2015:
1. bitcoin has not been straightforward about the bitcoin cap of there only ever being 21 million bitcoins ever produced. bitcoin will eventually be forced to raise this cap beyond 21 million simply because people forget their encryption keys and therefore bitcoins are lost. maybe a person has a cold storage wallet full of bitcoins and he suddenly dies. those coins are gone forever.
2. security with bitcoin is gimped. many users lose their bitcoins thru theft hacks via malware on their pcs. this happens ALL THE TIME to mostly newbs who do not know how to properly secure their bitcoins via cold storage. once the coins leave the users wallet via a malware hack the coins are simply gone. no one ever gets caught. the police are unable to do anything about it.
3. users bitcoins have been lost due to exchanges being hacked. it has happened multiple times and once again no one ever gets caught. what goes on is that when bitcoins are kept properly secure by the exchange then they cannot be hacked... or at least they are harder to be hacked.. either way exchanges have been hacked and when the bitcoins disappear they are simply gone. the users lose with no refund of any kind.
4. then there is the blockchain.. this thing is HUGE.. it can take anywhere from hours to download to days to download depending on how good of a pc a person has. if bitcoin becomes more mainstream users will require hard drive space to maintain this blockchain if they wish to keep their coins in their own wallets. of course if the hard drive fails or the user needs an OS reload or a new pc the blockchain must be re-downloaded.
5. some people believe that bitcoin is going to be a replacement reserve currency. imagine the entire economic foundation and infrastructure of a state vulnerable to power outages.. the power goes out and no one can buy anything period until power is restored. this is a huge weakness for bitcoin and is in my opinion a major reason why bitcoin will never be a replacement reserve currency for countries throughout the world.
6. what if a person doesnt have a pc or a cell phone?? they cannot buy anything.
7. bitcoin has NO PRIVACY... this makes it unconstitutional. EVERY transaction is recorded in the blockchain and can be traced. some of the more advanced bitcoin users watch stolen coins move from wallet to wallet all the time.. maybe watching for stolen coins moving is beneficial but clearly bitcoin is like an NSA spyware app.
8. and now more recently new problems have been emerging. "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" are the table to be coded into bitcoin in the near future. really the code already exists in the form of what is called BitcoinXT.. the plan if users reach a consensus is that it will be implemented via a hard fork early next year. this blacklist will allow developers to ban any ip address. i believe this is only the beginning of this code once implemented. i believe they will eventually expand this code to act as a form of sanctions that can be used against any wallet address of people, companies, and even states. imagine how this technology would be used to intimidate people ?? the two developers who have written this code are rumored to be connected with the CIA since one of them admitted on twitter that he had visited with the CIA after taking over core development from satoshi.
9. the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" came about due to a scalability issue with bitcoin. if bitcoins bandwidth is not expanded past the 1mb block which allows only 7 transaction per second then bitcoin will become crippled sometime next year. the BitcoinXT developers are using this scalability issue to claim bitcoin needs the "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" technology because currently a spammer hacker can completely flood the 1MB blocks thus making it harder for users to send bitcoins through the blockchain.
10. another set of developers came up with another solution to the scalability problem. they are planning to allow the miners to vote the size of the blocks for bitcoin. this means that the bigger miner companies will be able to "cripple" bitcoin in an effort to cause the fees to transmit bitcoins through the network to rise. these fees are paid to the miners for their work maintaining the blockchain. therefore we can see how the miners controlling the size of blocks being transmitted through the network will profit by crippling the bandwidth. of course that is a very bad idea and therefore what is the other choice ?? the other choice is "BLOCKCHAIN BLACKLISTS" ..
11. another problem is insider trading at exchanges.. there have been some really strange incidents happen at some of the leverage exchanges. there are rumors that owners of these exchanges trade against their users causing their margins to be called resulting in their own profits.. and then there are problems where exchanges claim they have technical problems. we have seen these technical problems happen and then suddenly the exchange needs to make adjustments to users balances. sometimes users are brought into negative by these glitches. and sometimes the glitches do not allow users to withdraw their money or bitcoins from the exchange. my opinion is that if an exchange does not have these technical problems then it will not have to stop trading, stop withdrawals, and make balance adjustments. these exchanges showing these kinds of problems are the leveraged trading exchanges.