until it scales it still doesn't scale.. *TALKING* about how technology will improve bitcoin in the future for MONTHS and MONTHS shows how gimped bitcoin really is .. talking about how your going to do this and your going to do that when you havent done a dam thing in eleven months of talking about it! why cant you get it done ?? whats the hold up ?? that is the best you can do is TALK about what your gonna do .. its like janet yellen tellin us that she can fix the monetary system by negative interest rates which she hasn't done yet . your coin still doesnt scale and until it does it still doesnt regardless of how much trash u talk about how it is going to scale in future cuz bitcoin and internet speeds... internet speed is already fast as hell ... i am about to upgrade to 100M fiber links into this company and your telling me bitcoin not scaling is cuz 100M fiber isnt fast enough for it ??
The equivalent is that a 100 Mbps fiber link would be useless without a large TCP window*.
Nobody said the internet won't scale because it can't do proper scaling with many "transactions" of small packets (there are serious problems with round-trip delay) and only scales due to less "transactions" of much bigger packets. They just raised the value of the payload and that was it. If you try to manually set it to something like 100 bytes, you'll see some funny speeds of a few mbps at most -
because your capacity is wasted through inefficiency.
Bitcoin can currently do around 100mn transactions per year (~270k per day x 365).
Bitcoin can move around 100mn $ per year if its every transaction has an average value / payload of 1$.
Bitcoin can move around 100bn $ per year if its every transaction has an average value / payload of 1000$.
Bitcoin can move around 1 trn $ per year if its every transaction has an average value / payload of 10000$.
How you use the network counts greatly in how much money you can move around.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP_window_scale_option(I haven't yet read the 11-part post), will get back to you on that.
edit: Just read it. Well you have fundamental issues with bitcoin. Your problem is not scaling. Your problem is everything bitcoin-related. Oh it's unsafe for the noob. Oh it's capped at 21mn coins. Oh it doesn't have much privacy... oh this, oh that. Well, no reason to argue about all these.