The world is shocked by Elon's betrayal of Ukraine. Refusing Starlink in Crimea for the Ukrainians, accepting occupied territories as russian, etc. Honey Badger says to the shocked peeps: hold my beer! The same betrayal Elond tried to do to the Honey Badger. But he failed miserably gaining only laughs for his total lack of knowledge and understanding how Bitcoin works. The damage to shitcoiners however was severe. Nonetheless Elon rejoiced on the news of desperation and suicides because of his tweets. Now he is happy with the videos of killed women and children and wants this to continue. The power to influence people to their death is intoxicating for those with broken concsience like our asperger guy.
This is how asperger morons behave: first they pledge their friendship to you. And after they are convinced you trust them, they enjoy stabbing your back by robbing everything from you. But this is a textbook rule. They are mentally damaged people. They have feelings opposite the normal people have. It is like the cleptomania - they know their weakness and still continue doing it even to their closest friends and family. But since the bipolar aspergers have good mechanical memory, the world sees them as intelligent people and makes the mistake of forgiving them everything. So it is definitely a shocker for the most people to understand that someone can be a successful businessman/scientist/artist, etc. and at the same time to have the moral of Putler. So no wonder Putler and Elon became besties.
I strongly disagree.
Elon is not a "typical Asperger's representative", and Asperger's isn't even just a "disorder", it's a spectrum of neurological differencies combined with genetic factors, compared to the neurotypical society (who are commonly called the "normies", or "NT's").
Asperger's Syndrome was erased from the ICD, and added to the ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder).
Well, i can say Elon is a moron for sure, and i doubt his ASD is the root cause.
I don't even credit you any deeper knowledge about Autism, based on the rubbish you let off in the quoted post.
Elon's problem is self-righteousness.
My wife is working with "low functional" ASD people since many years, i know quite a lot about ASD and Asperger's and in this same sentence i decided to finally come out revealing my high functional ASD diagnosis to you all. I was thinking a lot of times about mentioning it here, at the same time i knew how polarizing and misunderstood this particular range of disorders still is (thanks to "Rain Man", Thunberg, Elon and more).
The core fact is, if you are willing to learn: You can't compare any two individuals having ASD. They're all different, and your comparative rant is just bullshit.
Elon is an egoistic fuckhead, but something like an
asperger moron is inexistant in high functional ASD individuals.
It's your (neurotypical) urge to simplify which gave birth to the prejudiced assumption "all Asperger's are the same".
Albert Einstein was an
asperger moron, too
Last not least, replying to your bullshit post made me feel a little better. Thanks for the opportunity