I would love to write a novel in reply to this excellent post but I have to take my wife and kids out for a swim shortly.
The sentiment of the novel has truth yet the OP fails to consider the Global power shift that an exponential rise in BTC would have.
I got a ban on trollbox for saying
"This is dangerous, I would rather have educated warmongers in powerful positions rather than undereducated snotty nosed geeks with a banhammer ruling the world"
BTC has grown so fast that it has become premine!
: ) yeah it was a tiny bit long winded... I had an attack of the verbals
But you see I have no problem with your point...
Personally I do belive in the concept of Crypto/Bitcoin, and I do believe it has very good prospects... and I am a total "bull" but a considered one..
I also do consider the problems, and risks , and roadblocks, and infact believe doing so is good and very much needed...no meaningful and worthwhile project got anywhere without a lots of smart brains doing exactly that...and so dialogue and communication is not only needed but in the case of cryptocurrecny - community is part of what this whole thing is about....
Also actually I think that one of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result... Also I am not sure that the choice is a) between educated warmongers and snotty geeks or that b) there does really need to be a global power shift for Bitcoin to exist.. not to the point where the "geeks rule the world" I think those are all logical leaps somewhat.
Anyhoo I need to go and collapse..