This strikes me as an odd discussion....if I want to buy a share of a stock, I don't go to the pit on wall street and start waving my arms, I just log onto TrowePrice or Vanguard or whatever and set an order, they buy it and I'm good to go.
As far as I can tell, Coinbase does the same thing- yes, it would be nice to set limit orders etc., and I'm sure that will come, but basically it's a financial service that takes care of all the details.
DieJohnny, why didn't you send him to Coinbase to buy a few coins? Yes, Coinbase could be hacked, etc. but so could a Vanguard account - it's all about the reliability of the company, and the methods they use to safeguard my investment.
Yes, I get the whole "setting up a digital wallet safe from any intrusion" aspect....but most folks like myself are going to buy and sell and move bitcoins like we move stocks and bonds, through a service that handles the technical mumbo-jumbo.
Is there something I'm not understanding here?
First, everyone in the USA has heard of TRowePrice. The level of trust for them is 1000 times greater than Coinbase, which I guarantee you nobody outside of Bitcoin world has ever heard of.
Second, the mass market of investors out there do not EVER log onto any site and do any trading, they call their trusted broker and ask him advice. Why do you think these investment companies spend millions on ads that investing is about trust, nothing more. Its because that is what most people want to do. Trust a big company and a familiar face.
I may be wrong on this but i think that if you buy and sell stocks and bonds yourself, then you don't represent the bulk of investors in the world.
You can wish trust upon the Bitcoin ecosystem but I assure you it is not there yet. Trust takes time OR requires names people already know.
I didn't recommend Coinbase because frankly I don't trust it or any exchange enough to recommend them as a safe haven for any of their investment dollars. Not a single exchange approaches the level of trust that you get by using a Federally backed entity that they are familiar with. I put my own money in these exchanges because I am built to not care, it is who I am-- I like rolling the dice. I am the outlier, not the masses.
Using a paper wallet was the only recommendation I felt safe enough and easy enough to offer to my family, maybe you would be different, this was my experience.
You are right though, if TRowePrice offered a Bitcoin fund, there would be a lot of takers.