Great video, thanks for sharing, watching here...
Should I continue to listen past 5m19s? He already said he doesn't regard Bitcoin a currency and that he thinks the USD is superior. I already want to smack him twice. Does his talk improve?
Yes im at 16 min. and it gets better
I like his opinion on fungibility.
Haha @ "Fuck off, Bitcoin works fine!" he just scored points. And now disrupting nation states. He should just skip the first 15 minutes of his talk.
Oh it's done @ 23:30. I loved the final few minutes. I don't understand what all the rest was about, it sounds like they replaced the speaker in the end. The first 15 minutes is just politically correct, untrue bull shit.
Bitcoin is WAY better than any fiat currency. Hell, Litecoin is better than any fiat currency, hell any PM is better than any fiat currency. Fiat currencies SUCK. Saying USD is better than Bitcoin makes me nauseous
and I wouldn't be able to say it out loud without making a face.
I know, I'm late to the party, just I just got a chance to watch the video now. It think it's fantastic,
including the point that "Bitcoin isn't better than the USD (for now)".
It's the truth, for a substantial portion of the population and you should realize it.
On this forum it's taken as self evident that bitcoin > any fiat, but in reality, most people out there only care on a peripheral level about monetary policy, inflation, restrictions on transfer of wealth etc.,
as long as they're in a nice stable country. And you can go rant as long as you want, but practically living in one of the, say, G7 countries *does* mean you live in fucking stable circumstances.
In other words, if you're one of the lucky people in an ultra stable economic region
and you're politically disinterested, it's spot on: you won't immediately think "Bitcoin is better".
So I really appreciate the point Antonopoulos made: it doesn't matter that BTC isn't "better" than the USD... Because right now, BTC is already better than a vast majority of other currencies, and it's probably only a matter of time before it becomes competitive with even the most widely accepted currency/currencies.
That's the point as I understood it. Bashing him for blasphemy because he doesn't spread the gospel of how Bitcoin is better than the Dollar
and one million blowjobs is completely missing the point.
I specially like the concept of "separation of money and state".
If you think about it for just one second, it's just like in the past and ultimately unavoidable. Some time ago we did the separation of the church and state, even though for a long period of time that was something unimaginable. Now's the time for money...
"Instead of trying to change governments with a useless vote, or pathetic pleading, we merely abandon the government's powerbase - the power derived from control of exchange and currency." - Erik voorhees April 2012
Yeah, evorhees was here too. Later that day Andreas interviewed Vorhees.
Now I'm gonna fall to new lows, and give you guys
shitty gossip:
Erik brought a supermodel superhot girlfriend to the full packed 800 male 20 female conference.
Found her