How many people plan on buying more Bitcoin with fresh money next week when the banks open again assuming the price stays above $300 ?
I have a feeeling that this is a time when how much you make all depends on how greedy you are.
The most greedy won't necessarily be the ones who end up with the most.
How well has your strategy of 100% fiat, 0% btc worked out so far?
I have not bought bitcoin since low double digits (with exception of a few trades), but there are plenty of new people discovering bitcoin, such as CHINA, big investors through second market etc. It's new blood driving prices up.
All this time I have held on to my bitcoins.
You were
100% out at $120 and presumably had to buy back in later. Now you have been out again since about $200 and will not buy again until the price crashes below that. How is this strategy working for you? Not to gloat over your losses, but you may have forgotten that bitcoin isn't just another stock, but a disruptive technology that will change the world forever.
I'm not necessarily saying buy back now and hold forever, but if you keep up this bearish attitude you may be up for a rude awakening. The crash you're looking for may very well never come, and once again you'll have to buy in with massive losses.
Perhaps it is you that the greed has gotten the best of, double digits is a closed chapter imo.