Maybe they need more guns?
That's a trick question. Who doesn't?
I am currently in the market for an exceedingly smooth, low recoil 45 (or maybe 9mm... capacity? Stopping power? Dilemma extraordinaire! ). I want, as I terminally perforate the bastard who is coming into my house to harm my family, not to put any undue stress on my wrist.
So I will be trying out a plethora of options at the local range. Will let anyone curious know what I discover.
Suggestions welcome.
Yes. I am doing this on purpose. This is sort of like when someone on twitter starts posting things to get unfollows. I am looking for ignores. Also Monero matters! OK... I don't REALLY want Jay to ignore me, so I take it back. Sort of.
By the way. Japan just disproved a lot of firearms legislation arguments.
Keep in mind, larger, heavier frames generally translate to lower recoil. I personally really like my S&W MPShield, but that's because my priorities are different. 10+1 in double-stacked .45 with a 4" barrel makes it the best best punch I could find for a CCL daily friend. It's not as smooth & gentle as a heavier 5" 1911, but strangely seems to kick a good deal less than my wife's LCP .380 did. (Not a good choice for anything beyond being small enough to fit in the pocket of girl jeans) She upgraded to a HellCat which is much easier to shoot and gives her 13+1 capacity but is a little bigger and the 9mm stopping power is still a little underwhelming. Also want to note, don't forget about the .40 cal. It offers more capacity than the .45 without reducing the punch down to a 9.
Now just for funzies, we unwrapped and broke in a brand new AK chambering 12g 3.5" mag to celebrate Independence Day last weekend. 30 round magazines alternating between 00 buck & slugs, that puppy certainly wasn't "gentle" but at 20 yards it made a watermelon evaporate in one shot and a slug put a 1" hole through an old steel propane tank. It was scary how easy it was to be consistently accurate, in fact a second slug was passed through the same hole in the propane tank and the only reason we knew it wasn't a miss was because the tank jumped 6 feet and on closer examination found the exit hole to be a little off from the first round. Just a helluva fun way to celebrate Independence with a Russian twist.