he just wants more Blue Pills and to keep taking out his anger on other people
A Red Pill would ruin all of that ...
btw DMT and the matrix—wow. what a fun way to think of things.
Not one study has proven love, but I see it all around me...
Ehh... plenty of studies actually.
We pretty much know every chemicals release it induces in the brain and their effects.
This is the scientific dilemma though. If you measure a chemical when you experience love (actually, your definition of it), is that love we are measuring? Is love physical, sexual, etc?
When they did Near Death Experience studies they found DMT was being released at that time. So, the light people saw was just induced by a chemical? Yeah, correlation = effect. Chicken or egg? eheheheh I doubt it is that simple. Or, did the chemical open something, like a key opens the door. After all we are bio-chemical beings, but don't forget a whole lot more. Not to jump to another topic, but it is closely related. The studies over the last few years they have done with DMT (and psychedelics also) have scared the shit out of some scientists.
This is beyond science at this point in time and probably for a whole lot longer.
I study neuroscience because these sorts of things are very interesting to me. I would study psychology as a major, but I know I moreso need that basis in neuroscience to work from. I also study economics because that is how people interact at this level. we all (life) have basal tendencies at a biological level, what are they and why? why are there trace amounts of DMT in living plants and animals? Why have they become such a big part of shamanistic rituals? I really don't know yet, but I think back to how we were before society shaped who we are as civilized folk. What were we like when we were still animals? how have we changed as a result? what is up with spiritualism and dreams and visions? are they simply hallucinations?
do we become what we believe?
crick's paper on consciousness really made me think about our origins.
http://papers.klab.caltech.edu/29/1/438.pdfwhat exactly are self-fulfilling prophecies? The paper at least has showed me as much that we
are what we believe. what is the neurological basis of hallucinations? as far as I know, dimethyltryptamine provides the mechanism that allows us to visualize and recreate a reality with our eyes closed. It is very necessary in recapitulation of events for the conscious mind to resolve problems. my own experience with the drug has shown me as much as that, except I did not have to be asleep. why, why does this particular molecule exist in most living entities? I don't know, yet, I've only a glimpse. that glimpse though....I really was in a different dimension, being a part of a vividly descriptive higher-living nexus of sorts. Why did I see this particular hallucination? I used to be atheist by the way, quite the objectivist. I am now getting in tune with my spiritual side, the same sort of spirit that runs through animals naturally. This sort of spiritual perspective is for the most part very well corroborated by eastern philosophy, which is quite isolated from the philosophies of the Americas as well. Why?
I plan on traveling to Venezuela with my pledge brother to visit La Gran Sabana where shamanism is rooted to understand its history. Then I plan on using the skills neuroscience provides me to analyze all this, if possible. It is all very, very peculiar, and it's definitely piqued my interest. At the very least, I know science has not explored these things enough.
I personally still prefer the scientific approach: Prove astrology wrong based on facts, less on opinions.
The rules to make horoscopes are profoundly based on astronomical facts, thus rarely disputable.
The astrological interpretation is well described, although heavily disputed.
Thus I cosider this a pretty interesting experiment.
The moon issue:
As much as I could google the moon is responsible for the emotional perception.
How do we get that into bitcoins? ... uhm ... do we need to?
Another point is puzzling me: What is bitcoins birth? The gensis block? If yes, why?
Can we transfer the experience with humans that simply on things, especially such virtual, barely ungraspable things?
Bitcoin is an instantiation of a new, higher dimensional form of life. These newly emergent life forms are studied via the "science" of economics, which basically represents relationships (giving and taking, supply and demand) between lower dimensional life forms.
It forms a sort of global neural network that is presently an infant, but when it grows up... hoo boy