@bclcjunkie - Well said.
The way I see it is that it doesn't matter if a person is a hater or a Fan boy. What matters is what they say (and in a sense how they say it). Even in bullshit there is truth.
If someone is hating while I'm bullish, I still look at what they say, perhaps more so as then I have something "to lose". And likewise in the other direction.
But even Shrooms..., ok, not him, but lets say coinseeker (who I have had my disagreements with), when he has something to say with a bit of proof - I listen.
I just remember some wise words by J. Krishnamurti.
I bolded the most relavant part but left it as one piece as it is really, well, deep...
To see the truth in the false
The craving for experience is the beginning of illusion. As you now realize, your visions were but the projections of your background, of your conditioning, and it is these projections that you have experienced. Surely this is not meditation. The beginning of meditation is the understanding of the background, of the self, and without this understanding, what is called meditation, however pleasurable or painful, is merely a form of self-hypnosis. You have practised self-control, mastered thought, and concentrated on the furthering of experience. This is a self-centred occupation, it is not meditation; and to perceive that it is not meditation is the beginning of meditation. To see the truth in the false sets the mind free from the false. Freedom from the false does not come about through the desire to achieve it; it comes when the mind is no longer concerned with success with the attainment of an end. There must be the cessation of all search, and only then is there a possibility of the coming into being of that which is nameless.