If that was truly the case, that last clown elected in 2016 would not have happened.
I would *welcome* a widespread review of gun laws in the US. The overwhelming majority of them would be thrown out as ineffectual if nothing else.
The USA is a gun toting culture. Always has been, always will be.
So get used to mass shootings. (I'd venture to guess most Americans have at this point) They are not going away.
Debating gun laws in the USA is like debating religion.
Just like the thoughts and prayers the victims get, it's totally fruitless and useless. Sad but true.
I don't know any other country that exposes their kids to "active-shooter drills" and defends the weapons used to assault their kids. But as you say it's like debating religion which isn't that strange with a Supreme Court that is pushing theocracy.
Just a note for charity's sake. Today's mass shooting was just outside of Chicago in an area that has some of the most restrictive "common sense gun laws" in the country. Mass shootings in schools are occurring in "gun free zones." Law's are no deterrent to mad lawless psychopaths hell bent on causing mass casualties. What DOES stop a madman with a gun, every single time, is a good guy with a gun... which is why these things always happen in places where none of the good guys can legally have guns. The untold story is the millions of rapes, assaults, and murders that are prevented by legally wielded handguns used in self protection. Why do you hate women so much as to want to take away the only tool they have to put them on equal standing to defend themselves from predatory men?
And as to Roe v Wade, I am actually rather liberal about my stance on abortion legislation I feel that there is no greater tragedy than an unwanted child. But as anyone with a reasonable understanding of our Constitutional Democratic Republic system should openly agree that Roe v Wade was clearly bad law based on unconstitutional judicial fiat and should have been repealed long ago. Our laws are to be set by elected legislators held responsible by the votes of their constituents, NOT a lifetime appointed group of Judges acting as robed tyrants. That is not a wise path regardless of your political wishes.
Abortion policy is not touched in the text of the Constitution and if our legislators want to put it there, there is a proscribed method for doing so. Or they could take the easier path of negotiating a common-sense bipartisan law to lay out basics on a federal level, or as it is now, leaving it completely up to the individual states to set that policy where-by the citizens of that state have the most ballot box power to punish/reward policy they disagree/agree with.
1. The good guy with a gun myth has been debunked many times. Most situations are solved by unarmed individuals. Looking at the last shooting incidents the people trained to deal with it didn't even do their job. Parents of children broke the police line to get their kids out of harms way instead of waiting for the police to finally do something...
2. Gun control wil only work if you do it at a national level. Take a look at >90% or other countries because apparently everyone is doing a better job than the USA.